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Реферат Methods of teaching English language

e, as proceeded from the living language of speech training, as the primary means of language functioning., Only direct method of instruction intended to communicate., Education was not familiar with the proposals of other methods that have arisen in the West after the World War I, because this war, and then the civil, broke all contact.addition, for many practitioners and the teachers direct method was something new, attractive everyone sincerely believed in its effectiveness.should also mention that advocated the direct method differed from the orthodox method of direct Western-style, as it demanded the comparison with the native language, though not at the initial stage, which is incompatible with the direct method. There were also characterized the recommendations as follows: What the study of foreign language should not be neglected the study of grammar, of course, its main features that you can for ease of understanding point to similarities with the grammar of their native language, and their difference, that a more lasting learning enter grammar exercises [2; 152]. It was also recommended to enter into a direct method elements of comparative linguistics.of the above recommendations do not correspond completely to the ideas of direct method.these facts suggest that gradually formed a Russian version of the direct method, which is then in the methodological benefits of the second half of the 20-ies acquired its final shape.to the direct method changes are closely linked with progressive ideas of Russian pedagogy.formed a comparative method for teaching foreign languages, which got its name because learning a foreign language, is expected on the basis of its comparison with the native language. The founder of this method is Scherba.by combining the direct and comparative methods in the light appeared mixed method. Depending on what principles it is dominated, it may be closer or to direct or to the comparative method.time, not only the goal of learning a foreign language changed, and claims to ownership of them. Methods of teaching foreign languages ??were in crisis.always requires radical change. Thus, in low productive ideas were made the transition to communicative teaching. The crisis revived the active and methodical search, which contributed to the development of modern teaching concepts of foreign language teaching: Communicative (IL Beem, EI Passov [19, 20, 21, 22; 35]), intensive (GA Kitaygorodskaya [15, 35]), activity (Ilyasov) and others. Currently, the crucial role played by communicative-oriented techniques, which are based on communication and creativity of students.of teaching foreign languages ??should be developed further, as stagnation is fatal for any science.of modern teaching methods is important, since there are new techniques emerging based on them and would like to see in them did not have the disadvantages and shortcomings inherent in modern methodsaracteristics are also important to choose work as a teacher. With such a variety is very difficult to make a choice without knowing the characteristics and specificity of methods.the present stage of development of foreign language teaching in the selection method of teaching should proceed from the characteristics of the collective in which it is used, you must take into account the personal characteristics of trainees, their age, interests and level of preparation, the period within which will be trained, as well as technical equipment of the school.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language is a science, and like all sciences, it has a set of underlying principles upon which it is based. However, unlike the better-known sciences such as biology, chemistry and physics, TEFL is not quantifiable to the point of being either objective or equation based in its approach. Therefore, TEFL, like psychology and sociology, must rely on subjectivity in order to formulate its principles. These principles, in turn, define the relationships that exist between either the teacher and the student or the student and other students. order to teach English effectively, an EFL teacher must subscribe to one (or more) of the current approaches to teaching English as a foreign language and incorporate its language-learning strategies and techniques into each of his or her lessons. follows are descriptions of nine of the principle approaches to teaching English as a foreign (second) language. Without doubt, the reader will have experienced one or more of these approaches in his or her own classroom learning history. Though there is no one correct approach, most teachers usually find themselves more comfortable using one or the other of the approaches listed and described. Though there is nothing overtly wrong with this, it must be remembered that students differ greatly, not just in age but also in mentality, thus they may respond differently to any given approach to language teaching. Because of differen...

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