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Реферат Methods of teaching English language

="justify"> 1. Theoretically to comprehend and approve in practice available approaches to teaching a foreign language in high school.

2. To analyze the basic contents of a teaching material and principles of its organization in a rate of foreign language

. To compare suggested approaches and to choose the most comprehensible.from this, the hypothesis of the given research can be formulated as follows:

1. Teaching a foreign language should be complex (parallel) with an insignificant oral advancing;

2. Teaching should be directed on formation of steady interest to a subject.the work the following methods of research were applied:

1. The analysis of the scientific literature on a theme of the research work;

2. The analysis of programs and textbooks on the English language of various authors and for various types of schools both domestic, and foreign;

. The analysis of experimental training on the basis of experience of the teachers using innovative techniques, results of supervision.and investigation: Tobol secondary school.value of this research work is in its results, having received which it will be possible to organize effectively teaching process , using in practice methods and ways of teaching which were offered in this work.value of the work is in given methodical recommendations and great number of tasks and exercises which can be applied by teachers of any subjects in primary and secondary schools.bibliography contains the most known and important researches for the given work of teachers-innovators and scientists: psychologists, didactists, methodologists.appendix included some exercises that for any reasons has not come in the basic part of course work.

teaching english grammar

1. Comparative Teaching Methodologies

the present time when there are radical changes in teaching, when radically revised the content and teaching methods appropriate it is high time to revisit the history of the methods of teaching foreign languages ??and the main trends of its development.no one doubts that the method of language teaching is a science. The very first definition of methodology was given by EM Ryt in 1930, who wrote that the methodology of teaching foreign languages ??is a practical application of comparative linguistics. A similar position had A.V. Scherba.emergence of views on the methodology as applied linguistics, was due to the fact that the method 30-s not enough to identify the specificity of a foreign language as a subject, and there was no developed system of research methods, without which there can be no true science.direction in determining the methodology as a science, connected with the name BV Belyaev, who believed that the technique is nothing like applied psychology. However, a number of problems methods, in particular, the selection of material, especially the use of techniques and ways of working, depending on the audience, can not be resolved based only on psychology. Therefore, this definition of techniques did not spread.the late 30-s - early 40-ies starts take shape, one more line - definition of methodology as pedagogical science. Do pedagogy and methodology, there is one object of study - the processes of learning, education, goals and objectives of training, education and maintenance items. Uniform and research methods are, therefore, the determination method as a science teacher was a step forward to its registration as an independent science.direction in determining the methodology as a science began in the late 40-s. The method is recognized by science, which has its own laws and its methods. The most complete definition of the method reads: Methods of teaching is the science, exploring the aims and content, pattern, means, methods, techniques and training systems, as well as studying the processes of teaching and training material on a foreign language [1 ; 52] .the beginning of XX-th century there was also another problem. That was the problem of method. It was quite natural, since after the October Revolution of 1 917 new school demanded the application of new techniques. At that time, advocated direct (natural) method. It was believed that this method was based on a correct principle - associating foreign words with the objects themselves. This was the method of natural (associative) learning a foreign language, which was the most economical, fastest-reaching goal.is this being promoted direct method, when the West is having the idea of ??mixed method? This was due to several reasons. First, in the royal schools dominated the grammar-translation and textual-translation methods based on cramming, from which it was necessary to be free. Direct same method against them was more progressiv...

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