n="justify"> CONTENT
.1 Characteristics of final product
.1.1 General notion about enzymes
.1.2 Classification of enzymes
.1.3 Characteristics of glucoamylase
`1.2 Characteristics of microorganisms producers of glucoamylase. Aspergillus awamori
.1 Grounds of choosing technological scheme
.2 Description of technological scheme
.2.1 Additional works
.2.2 Technological processes
.2.3 Micribiological and chemical control
2.2.4 Processing of waste water and air
2.3 Description of equipment scheme. Specification of equipment
.1 Description of heater
.2 Calculation of heater
are biological catalysts that bring about chemical changes in substances. With the development of the science of biochemistry has come a fuller understanding of the wide range of enzymes present in living cells and of their modes of action.enzymes, there can be no life. Although enzymes are only formed in living cells, many can be separated from the cells and can continue to function in vitro. This unique ability of enzymes to perform their specific chemical transformations in isolation has led to an ever-increasing use of enzymes in industrial and food processes, in bioremediation, and in medicine, and their production is collectively termed enzyme technology . Commercially produced enzymes will undoubtedly contribute to the solution of some of the most vital problems with which modern society is confronted, eg food production, energy shortage and preservation, and improvement of the environment, together with numerous medical applications.activity of an enzyme is due to its catalytic nature. An enzyme carries out its activity without being consumed in the reaction, and the reaction occurs at a very much higher rate when the enzyme is present. Enzymes are highly specific and function only on designated types of compounds - the substrates.is exoenzyme that attacks starch from the nonreducing end of polysacharide chain and fully convert starch into glucose. Some general properties at majority of glucoamylases of microbal origin are distinguished. Glucoamylase is widely widespread in the nature. It is synthesized by many microorganisms and forms in animal tissues, especially in a liver, kidney etc. Glucoamylase is used preliminary for starch hydrolyses in beverages production.use of microo...