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Реферат Allusion as discourse symbol

to the conclusion that allusion provokes complicated and multidimensional interplay between two texts. In this case we can speak about the allusive process. Though the allusive process differs according to the style of texts and various other features Mashkova [11, p, 27] underlines the following its characteristics: process is directed. So to say, allusion is the reference to the concrete text (sometimes it can even be several texts). Makes possible the connection with certain literary source. So for better understanding of every allusion the knowledge of certain allusive fact is important.of allusion is not only understanding of the certain allusive fact.allusive process is double-sided. Here the most important is interaction of the text under study and the source of allusion.reader s background knowledge is the indispensable condition of allusive process. Proceeding from this fact Mashkova states that there are two aspects of the problem under consideration. On the one hand, we can excuse the author who uses allusions only when he caters for the reader s background knowledge. On the other hand, reader s knowledge should be quite extensive for him to understand the poetic texts. But at the same time Mashkova explains that the reader s possibilities are limited as understanding of allusion is not only the knowledge of the literary source but, first of all, the understanding of its content [11, p.28]. the author needs an active reader. According to scientist Tukharelli while depicting some characters and events the author gives only few details for the reader to finish the picture; the text is characterized by intermittence of the content. This feature is very close to allusion as the text is always full of special images and hints that can help the reader to amplify it using his memory and associations. [13, p.113 ] is versatile phenomenon. There are such traditional forms of allusion as: name;; also can not omit the localization of allusion in paragraphs, strophe or even chapter and a literary work itself. The article of Tukharelli gives detailed examination of this problem. Here the scientist provides us with such well known examples as the novel Ulysses by James Joyce [13, p.115]. Allusion we must also mention its another important feature which is called orientation. In his work researcher Evseev points out that allusion always contains the intention of the author. This intention helps us to differentiate allusion from such phenomena as accidental coincidence, predetermined coincidence, accidental borrowing and influence [7, p.9]. Important feature, according to Evseev, is the feedback. It is the bond between metatext and prototext which sometimes can be hidden by the author but can not be totally removed. The feedback also helps to differ...

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