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Реферат The basic methods of psychological research

rate deeply into the nature of the relationship between phenomena. Disadvantages:

. The significance of setting the experimenter to study; 2. Under real conditions, subjects behave differently; 3. The presence of the experimenter, focus on his authority affects the objectivity of the study of behavior; 4. We study the existing business. Unable to explore the process of its formation. Disadvantages of laboratory experiment is largely eliminated in the organization of natural experiment. There remains the natural conditions of observation and accuracy of the experiment is introduced. The natural experiment is constructed so that experimental unaware that they are psychological research - it provides a natural behavior. p align="justify"> organization of the natural experiment

organization of the natural experiment also may use technical means (but if the examinee does not know about it). For the correct and successful natural experiment to observe all those requirements, which are submitted to the laboratory experiment. According to the research goals experimenter selects the following conditions which provide the most vivid manifestation of certain sides of mental activity. Methods of survey interview, questionnaire, interview Very often there is a need for data that can not be obtained by observation and experiment. These data provide methods of questioning. Methods of survey are divided into: В· Optic survey - interviews; В· Part survey - questionnaires. These methods are used after the formation of hypotheses and a plan of study. Interviews are used, usually after questioning, and they both used after the experiment. Interview in psychology is the way to a social and psychological information through verbal questioning. In the history of the interview as a psychological method can distinguish three main stages of development: 1) first interview was used in psychotherapy and psycho, in turn, this contributed to the emergence of psychological consultation, 2) the use of interviews in sociological and social-psychological research, where he first emerged on the validity of methods of organizing and conducting interviews and accuracy of the information obtained; 3) the current stage of psychological research is characterized by the coordination of practical, theoretical and methodological problems of the interview in order to use it as a special method of obtaining information through verbal communication. Types of interviews: 1. Free - no regulated subject and form of conversation, not standardized. Provides pre-formulation, which can be changed in the survey. The researcher can follow the general plan of the interview, it may hold in a free form. Advantage - provides a more natural response, deeper understanding of the phenomenon. Disadvantage - the difficulty of quantitative information processing 2. Standardized - in form it is close to a questionnaire with closed quest...

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