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Реферат Types of political regimes and their characteristics

regarded as a classic manifestation of liberal democracy. p align="justify">. Sociological approach puts emphasis on the nature of the relationship between state and society that have developed realistic and not necessarily according to the dictates of the Constitution and other legislation norms of political behavior. Within this approach draws attention to the social study of power, pressure groups, the relationship between elites and the people. p align="justify">. A broad interpretation of the political regime goes beyond just political-legal or just a sociological analysis and considers its value over several components that distinguish some types of political regimes from others [3, p. 251]. Researchers believe that "political regime" - is too broad term for this phenomenon and prefer to use something else - "state (state legal regime)." Unlike the concepts of government and forms of government that relate to the organizational form of the state party, the term "state mode" describes its functional side - forms and methods of state power.political regimes - a collection of methods and means of legitimizing the exercise of power and a certain type of state. Legalization of the government as a legal concept means the establishment, recognition, support for the rule of law, especially the Constitution, reliance on government law. Legitimation same state - is taking power the country's population, the recognition of its right to manage social processes, willingness to obey her. Legitimation may not be common, as there will always be some social groups, unhappy with the existing government. Legitimation can not be imposed because it is associated with a set of experiences and internal systems of people with ideas different groups on compliance with state power, bodies of norms of social justice, human rights and their protection. Legitimization - it support power by the people in the form of elections or referendums. Identify core mode, then determine how this state power is generated and controlled by the people.control - the most important part of the political regime that exists in society. Political regime - the concept is broader because it includes not only the methods of state domination, but typical methods of non-political organizations (parties, movements, associations). Political regimes - a concept that refers to a system of techniques, methods, forms , methods of making the state and political power in society. This functional characteristic of bodies. The nature of public-political regime never directly stated in the constitution (not counting the common guidelines for the democratic nature of the state), but almost always the most directly affect their dependent [7, p. 73]. The political regime is the functional aspect of the society's political system, its structure are the same elements as the structure of the political system. This is primarily political institutions - the state and its structural eleme...

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