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Реферат The grammar of contemporary English

before other words in composition and in syntax: a part of speech without inflection, in modification of or in addition to a verb: a part of speech binding together the discourse and filling gaps in its interpretationLatin grammarian Priscian (fl. 500 CE) modified the above eightfold system, substituting "interjection" for "article". It was not until 1767 that the adjective was taken as a separate class. [1] English grammar is patterned after the European tradition above, and is still taught in schools and used in dictionaries. It names eight parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and interjection (sometimes called an exclamation). Since the Greek grammarians of 2nd century BCE, parts of speech have been defined by morphological, syntactic and semantic criteria. However, there is currently no generally agreed-upon classification scheme that can apply to all languages, or even a set of criteria upon which such a scheme should be based. Linguists recognize that the above list of eight word classes is drastically simplified and artificial. For example, "adverb" is to some extent a catch-all class that includes words with many different functions. Some have even argued that the most basic of category distinctions, that of nouns and verbs, is unfounded, or not applicable to certain languages. [1]

.2 Parts of speech and different opinions of American and British scientists

modern English and American linguistics, there are 2 approaches to the separation of vocabulary. The first involves the allocation of parts of speech (parts of speech), and the second - word classes (word classes). "Parts of Speech" are the traditional term to describe different types of words that form a sentence, such as a noun, pronouns, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, the union, interjection. The criteria for their selection are considered to be the value, form and function. This approach is not flawless, native speakers have some difficulty in classifying individual words to the parts of speech.are combined in these groups in their combinatorial functions, morphological features, etc. The most common groups of words are a part of speech: noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, preposition, article, conjunction, interjection, demonstrative, etc.in the scientific literature of Great Britain and the United States is sometimes the case indistinguishable terminological word classes and parts of speech. It has been suggested that the term "part of speech" is outdated and does not reflect its essence, ie, association of individual words in the classes, taking into account their common morphology, semantics and role in the structure of the sentence. This view is based on the views of L. Bloomfield for a broader understanding of word classes, which include the traditional parts of speech, as well as various structural design (complex forms such as infinitives, parti...

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