He does not give his books to anybody. p> ВІН НЕ Дає книги Нікому.
e.g. He does not give his books to /anybody. p> ВІН НЕ шкірному Дає свои книги.
e. g. All the rabbits arent in the cages. p> У клітці немає жодних кролика.
e.g. /All the rabbits arent in the cages. p> Чи не ВСІ кролики знаходяться в клітці.
Examples of this kind are few, and their semantic interpretation, it's not easy not only to students who are learning English, but also to native speakers. Implementation of semantic features associated with the tonal configuration
Informational function.
According to the most well-established in the phonetic literature views, intonation plays a leading role in the informational structure of the utterance. In the intonation group implements a specific piece of information .. g. There's a man in the room. p> (speaking allocates one bit of information.). g. There's a man in the room. p> (they have two and they are equal.). g. There's a man in the room. p> (is a combination of two information centers, and the second is subordinate to the first) position of the nucleus indicates the position of the information center:. g. I (not John) saw Mary at the theatre yesterday .. g. I saw Mary (not Kate) at the theatre yesterday.function.the syntactic function of intonation is traditionally understood its ability to distinguish between the types and syntax of the sentence. Most are obvious, and therefore the first of the above was a correlation of syntactic type of proposal and the type of nuclear completion.opposition, in which the type of melodic completion discerns
Concessive subordinate clause and time:. g. He keeps on talking when he knows it a nnoys us. p> ВІН Продовжує Говорити, хочай знає что ВІН нас дратує.
e.g. He keeps on talking when he knows it a/nnoys us. p> Колі Він Знає, то багато нас дратує, то ВІН Продовжує Говорити.
- Concessive clause and a conditional clause:. g I'll make her do the flowers her self if I have to stand over her all morning.
Я змушу ее самостійно зайнятості квітами, ЯКЩО даже мені прийдеться стояти над нею весь ранок.
e.g. I'll make her do the flowers her self if I have to stand over her all/morning. p> Если мені прийдеться стояти над нею весь ранок, я змушу ее самостійно зайнятості квітами.
Thus, the existence of syntactic functions of intonation in the traditional interpretation of this function is a major challenge. But should unequivocally accept the existence of the intonation of this function, if understood as the ability to transmit the latest communication and relationships between the elements of the whole. And this ability is most clearly manifested in the text.function.the communicative function of intonation is commonly understood as its ability to discriminate between types of communicative utterances. The statement can be defined as...