the minimal communicative unit aimed at a conscious purpose. The purpose of the statement is not in itself (except, perhaps, in those situations when a person speaks only to say something). Saying there is a mean to achieve a goal that is beyond the actual text of the utterance. In pronouncing sentence, we affirm and express doubt, offer, order, request, praise and so on. These and numerous other categories are expressed in communicative type of utterance. Examples of distinctive communicative function of intonation are such opposition as:
Approval - the question:. g. You like apples - You like/apples? p> Request - an order:. g. Go a head - Go a/head. p> Approval - motivation:. g. I'm waiting - I'm/waiting or I'm /waiting.modal function.researchers are unanimous in recognizing the tone for the ability to express emotions and relationships. The question is, is this question the competence of linguistics. There is a point of view that the basis for the expression of emotions is universal human physiological responses, and therefore it does not belong to the sphere of the expression of emotions and relationships, it can be assumed that the various elements of intonation structures function in different ways. With respect to the melodies there is evidence that the ability of independent transmission emotionally-modal states has only the level of the pitch frequency (and correlating them with the tone), and the configuration passes emotionally-modal information only in conjunction with the context.
3. Functions of intonation in Ukrainian
if to speak about functions of intonation in Ukrainian language we must say first of all that there they are not such numerous as in English.provides broadcast semantics, expression, modalities, stylistic coloring and more.the following functions:
Communicative function (комунікатівна функція) is the function of communication types of. The communicative function of intonation is leading. According to statements in the Ukrainian language are different types of communication expression, as affirmative, interrogative and persuasive sentences.structure of affirmative sentence is an ascending-falling well as downward movement of the fundamental tone, which means completeness of thought .. g. ВІН Пішов у бібліотеку за книжками. p> Intonation of the interrogative sentence is usually characterized rising, rising-falling or falling tone. Construction of intonation model of interrogative sentence is complicated by different types of questions: issue of new information, alternative questions, rhetorical question and so on .. g. Ті СЬОГОДНІ добро попрацював, чи не/так? p> Intonational contour of persuasive sentence is determined by the rising-falling. This type of sentence is also ambiguous - it can be order, demand, offer, request, and advice and so on .. g. Вона має/негайно покинути це приміщення! p> The f...