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Реферат Стратегія диверсифікації ФГУП "Комбінат" Електрохімпрібор "на основі організації виробництва сталевих кульових кранів великих діаметрів

ear Arms Complex for the period of 2009-2020« the Federal Corporation »Rosatom« put the aims of reduction of the number of staff, occupied with ensuring the state defense order, creation of modern pro-technological base of the nuclear arms complex and optimization of the production areas of the enterprise.the moment, Plant has a share in the production of products for the oil and gas, energy, and medical industries, but also the company's management has set itself the task of further development and diversification of production and business expansion, an increase in the volume of output of civilian products.administration and head specialists of our enterprise see that the only way to have new kinds of products and to be commercially viable is to develop usage of modern methodology, technology and equipment.of the most promising areas of the enterprise in the field of civilian production is the production of steel ball valves of large diameters.main consumer of the products of the company is »Gazprom«, first of all, its leading structural unit - Company »Tyumentransgas«, provides a relatively stable volume of work orders for mass production and repair of a wide range of gas production equipment.the period of 1994-2012 years. joint program on a contractual basis and has mastered the complex put into mass production of more than 50 kinds of products for enterprises of »Gazprom«. part of a development project is planned on the basis of the existing factory building to create a modern highly efficient production of steel ball valves of large diameters.to the results of factor analysis of external and internal ambience of the enterprise, made by means of such business-instruments as PEST - analysis, analysis of five Porter s powers, SWOT - analysis, the strategy of civil product diversification production has been chosen.to the goal there inevitably appear a number of problems, connecting with the organization of the production process, introduction and usage of the equipment, teaching and training of the staff. Having analyzed the business process, it became possible to identify the problems exactly and to find the most optimal ways of their decision.this attestation work we present the business plan of manufacturing process management on producing of steel ball valves of large diameter, designed by means of program Project Expert 7.19.realization of strategies of diversification by FSUE »Plant« Elektrokhimpribor » on producing of steel ball valves larger diameters will:

to increase the productive volumes of civil and conversion products not less than for 1,3 times;

to avoid reduction of the staff number, occupied in output production of SDO, by creation of 148 work places in civil sector production.project realization period is 2013 - 2017 years.approximate financial backing of the project is 35 mln rubles by means of facilities of FSUE «Plant» Elektrokhimpribor" , provided for the Fund of Technical Advance (FTA) of the enterprise, which can be directed to the execution of actions in the field of civil production.





.1 Опис підприємства і його стратегічні цілі

.2 Позиціонування підприємства на ринку сталевих кульових к...

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