ers, the appearance of translation systems has stimulated the integration of translation and documentation (technical writing and publishing) processes. Translation is now seen as one stage in the processes of communication and getting information. Future products for such kind will not be separate independent machine translation systems, translator workstations or translation tools, but multilingual documentation software complexes combining document creation, translation and revision, document archiving, information analysis, restoration and extraction, etc. in order to satisfy the specific needs of companies.
Machine Translation Quality
Despite the prospects for the future, it has to be said that the new approaches of the present have not yet resulted notable improvements in the quality of the raw output by translation systems. These improvements may come in the future, but overall it has to be said that at present the actual translations produced do not represent major advances on those made by the machine translation systems of the 1970s. We still see the same errors: wrong pronouns, wrong prepositions, anomalous syntax, incorrect choice of terms, plurals instead of singulars, wrong tenses, etc. - Errors that no human translators would ever commit. Unfortunately, this situation probably won't change in the near future. There is little sign that basic generalpurpose machine translation programs are soon going to show significant advances in translation quality. And I think that if producers of machine translating systems are still to continue sating market with software of low quality (as in present) the whole machine translation industry may be condemned for ever by the general public as producers of essentially poor-quality software, that could possibly cause damaging of the research and development or even its closure.
In order not to be unsubstantiated I would like to present examples of translation by the programs of machine translation which are the most widely distributed in Ukraine - "Promt" and "Magic Gooddy" (same producer), "Pragma", "Socrat" and one web-resource which provides on-line real-time translation. Their work will be presented on the basis of translation of the extract from the British newspaper article:
The Sunday Times:
Egypt has been training British MI5 and MI6 agents in how to combat Islamic terrorists, underlining Cairo's growing importance to the war against terror and the Middle East peace process.
A senior Middle Eastern military intelligence official revealed last week that British officers had undergone the training as part of a co-operation programme with Egypt that began after the September 11 attacks on America in 2001 and continued until last year.
Details have not been revealed, but it is believed to have included instruction in specialised interrogation techniques and in the terminology used by terrorists, which will enable agents to understand monitored telephone conversations.
Promt XT (Magic Gooddy):
Єгипет навчив британський MI5 і MI6 агентів при тому, як битися з ісламськими терористами, підкреслюючи важливість зростання Каїра до війни проти жаху {терору} і близькосхідного мирного процесу.
Старше Близькосхідне військове посадова особа відомостей {інтелекту} показало минулого тижня, що британські чиновники {офіцери} піддалися навчанню як частина програми співробітництва з Єгиптом, який почав після 11 Вересень нападу на Америку в 2001 і тривав до минулого року.
Деталі НЕ були показані, але це, як вважають, включило інструкцію в спеціалізовані методи допиту і в термінологію, використовувану терористами, які дозволять агентам зрозуміти перевірені телефонні бесіди.
Єгипет готу...