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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » On some problems of classification of political parties

Реферат On some problems of classification of political parties

extbook/KS Hajiyev. - 2 ed. - M.: Logos, 1997. - 544. p> 6. Political parties, movements and organizations of modern Russia at the turn of the century: Anal. Handbook, Ed. JH Barygin. - St. Petersburg: Izd VA Mikhailova, 1999. - 208 pp. p> 7. History of political parties in Russia: Textbook. /NG Dumova [and others], ed. AI Zevelev. - M.: Higher School, 1994. - 447. p> 8. Political parties in Russia, the end Х1Х - the first third of the twentieth century: Encyclopedia/Editorial Board.: VV Shelohaev (otv.red.) [And others]. - M.: ROSSPEN, 1996. - 872 pp. p> 9. Political parties in Russia: history and modernity: Textbook. /Editorial Board.: AI Zevelev, VV Shelohaev, Yu P Sviridenko (Otv.redaktory) [and others]. - M.: ROSSPEN, 2000. - 631 pp. br/>

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