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Appendix 1
Purpose of the Strategy:
Bellanca (1992) explains that the purpose of the KWL strategy is to help students identify prior knowledge and experience as a bridge to a new concept, lesson, or unit (p.10).
Teacher s Role:
In the KWL strategy the teacher serves as a facilitator of learning in the classroom, utilizing the students to create part of the lesson plan and identifying key concepts that need to be addressed before the lesson ends. Bellanca (1992) stated that it is the teacher s role to plan a strategy to ensure students will have the questions they raised answered before the lesson ends.
Learner s Role:
In the KWL strategy the learner is asked to construct their learning experience by identifying what they know, analyze what information they do not know, and reflect upon what they learned. The strategy asks that the learner work as part of a small and large group to brainstorm ideas about the concept or topic. This strategy helps students to realize that learning is an ongoing process by asking them what I want to know now (Marzano amp; Pickering, 1997).
Prior Knowledge Needed by the Learner:
The process of asking good questions is essential to this educational strategy. Because of this, it is also important that students are able to ask appropriate questions that help them develop a deeper sense of understanding about the concept or topic. However, Bellanca (1992) noted that questioning is not an intuitive process and may be difficult for students who have grown up in one right answer classroom may lack motivation and/or the know-how to ask questions. (1992) also discusses the importance of using the DOVE guidelines to help students in the brainstorming process. Therefore, students need to have an understanding of what the DOVE guidelines are:=Defer judgment; accept others ideas; avoid criticism and put-downs=Originality is OKAY=Variety and Vastness of ideas; explore many ideas; search for the best ideas=Expand by piggybacking on others ideas; associate; build on others. also need to have the ability to recall information (K step), analyze information (W Step, and evaluate what has been learned (L step). With practice and use of this strategy in the classroom, students may further develop these skills but they are important to have as they begin to work with this strategy.
Steps/Parts of the Strategy:
There are several easy steps when utilizing the KWL strategy. In essence, a teacher helps students identify what they already know about the topic, what they would like to know, and what they have learned (Ogle, 1986 in Marzano amp; Pickering, 1997). However, Bellanca (1992) offers a much more detailed list of steps to help teachers use the KWL strategy in the classroom:
. Draw the KWL chart on the board or on the overhead.
2. Label each column and explain its use (the K column is for things they already know about the topic, the W column asks them what they want to know about it, and the L column is for what they learned after they complete the lesson or topic ).
3. Invite students to brainstorm all they can recall about the topic from a variety of sources (parents, friends, media, books, movies, and other classes they may have taken).
. After the brainstorming session, allow time for students to analyze the K column by eliminating wrong information, clarifying information, and noting the most important.
. Begin to focus on the W column, asking the students to identify what they want to know about the topic. * students may need additional coaching and examples during this phase because some students have not been trained at questioning a topic.
. Ask the students to identify which items they want to know are the most important questions that need to be asked.
. Design a lesson which covers and all of the answers the students asked.
. Review the topic by asking the students to complete the L column - what they have learned.
. If questions still remain from the W column, you should discuss the information with the entire class.
. Review with the st...