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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Lingual-Stylistic Peculiarities of G. Byron's "The Prisoner of Chillon" and "Sonnet on Chillon", and Their Reproduction in the Translations by P. Hrabovs'kyi, V. Mysyk, M. Kabaliuk and V. Zhukovs'kyi

Реферат Lingual-Stylistic Peculiarities of G. Byron's "The Prisoner of Chillon" and "Sonnet on Chillon", and Their Reproduction in the Translations by P. Hrabovs'kyi, V. Mysyk, M. Kabaliuk and V. Zhukovs'kyi

="justify">. There are plenty of examples of both: in fact, and is used for 141 times, which is more often than in each third line; or is used for 78 times, but - for 32 times. Nevertheless, asyndeton is not a rare case as well. Still, some of the most characteristic examples only, and hard to translate ones will be discussed:

And I have felt the winter's spraythrough the bars when winds were highwanton in the happy sky; then the very rock hath rock'd, I have felt it shake, unshock'd

[32: 353, VI, 13-17] were seven - who now are one, in youth, and one in age, 'd as they had begun, of Persecution's rage; in fire, and two in field, belief with blood have seal'd, as their father died, the God their foes denied; were in a dungeon cast, whom this wreck is left the last.

[32: 354, I, 17-26]

Apparently, polysyndeton is frequently emphasised by anaphor, but the beginning of a line is rather common position for the conjunction. Still, asyndeton and polysyndeton are hard to render; even though V. Zhukovs `kyi fulfils the task, he is the only of three translators to do so. While hard to preserve, these expressive means are not impossible to compensate for, whether via any other kind of repetition on phonetic level as P. Hrabovs `kyi does it with polysyndeton; or using other punctuation marks (dashes in the second example in the translation by P. Hrabovs` kyi). M. Kabaliuk does not pay any special attention to the reproduction of asyndeton and polysyndeton, and his style seems to be a bit drier than G. Byron s; however, the style of The Prisoner of Chillon does not suffer significant losses because of it, as it is style within the style , and M. Kabaliuk applies enough repetition of conjunctions, and their omission to compensate for any losses to be:

Бувала взброшена хвиля, Над головою сумно б `є, На мене Із-за мокру грата бризгов дощ нас окропляв; Щодня, щоночі хвилю рові; спадати холодних крапель град.Случалось - вихор бушував, А годиною буря заграві, Дріжав наш склеп, и ждав я - смерть здригається скеля; скель страшно захіта [27: 228, VI, 14-17] Зламає ту гранітну твердь [29: 17, VI, 14-17] І з жадібністю душа чекала [26 : 321, VI, 14-18] Нас було шість - п'яти вже нет.Було нас семеро - нема; Зх шести Синів скінчілі шлях, Батько, страждалець з юних років, Чи не сяє день над шістьома.Крім мене, ВСІ в юнацький годину - Загиблий старцем на вогнищі, Загінув, батькові услід, Та ...

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