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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

ks go back: when the clocks go back in the autumn, the time officially changes so that it is one hour earlier than it was before? The clocks go back some time in October, don »t they?

Go back on - 1 go back on sth: to not do what you have promised, agreed, or said you would do? He said he won «t lend us any money, and I can» t see him going back on his decision, go back on your word (= not do what you have promised or agreed to do)? «You can trust me,» said Professor Higgins. «I never go back on my word.» 2 go back on sth: to change what you said before, or say that you never said it? One of the witnesses has gone back on her original story.

Go back over - go back over sth: to examine, consider, or repeat something again? Would you mind going back over the rules for me again?

Go back to 1 go back to sth: to start to do something again that you were doing before, or used to do in the past, go back to work / school etc? After the operation, it was six weeks before I could go back to work, go back to sleep / bed?/Tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn «t stop thinking. go back to doing sth? I »d hate to go back to living abroad now. 2 go back to sth: to return to a situation or state that used to exist before? It will be a long time before things start to go back to normal after the war. Can't we just go back to being friends?

2 Go back to sb: to start to have a relationship with someone again after it had ended? He «ll never go back to his girlfriend now. 4 go back to sth: to start talking about or considering something again. Can we just go back to Alan »s point for a minute?

Go befor 1have gone before: to have happened or existed before? Industrialization created a form of society that was different from any that had gone before, what has gone before? In many ways this program improves on what has gone before. 2 go before sb: to be considered by someone in authority, so that they can make an official decision? The proposal will go before the Planning Committee at their next meeting. Go beyond - go beyond sth: to be much better, more serious, more advanced etc than something else? The book «s success went beyond anything we had expected, p-She didn» t just feel unhappy - it went beyond thatby 1 go by: if time goes by, it passes. Twenty years had gone by since I lost saw him. ? As time went by, our fears for her safety increased. Bygone adj used to describe a period of time as one that existed along time ago. ? Their way of life is a reminder of a bygone age. 2 go by: to move past you, especially when you are not moving? I sat down at an open air caf? , And watched the people doing by. 3 go by sth: to stop at a place for a short time, usually to get something? On the way home I went by Jason s to pick up my pocket. 4 go by sth: to use a particular thing when you are making a judgment or deciding what you should do? ? You cannot go by that old map. It s completely out of date. If sth s anything to go by (= used when saying that something is likely to be true)? It should be a great movie, if Kubrick s other work is anything to go by. 5 Go by sth: to obey the rules of something? there was one point in the game when he certainly wasn t going by the rules. Go by the book (= be very careful to obey all the rules exactly)? There is a fixed procedure for making a complaint, and...

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