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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

we prefer it if you go by the book. 6 Let sth go by: to deliberately ignore or not react badly to someone s remarks or behavior? «I ll let it go by this time,» the teacher said, «but I don t want it to happen again». down - 1 go down sth: to move along a street, passage etc in order to get somewhere? I went down the corridor and knocked on the staffroom door. 2 go down, go down sth: to go to a particular place near where you live, or the one that you usually go to. + To? the kids have gone down to the river, go down the shops / pub.ect. ? My dad always used to go down the pub after Sunday dinner. 3 go down: to visit or travel to a place, especially somewhere that is further south or in the country P-At weekends, Wright used to go down and stay with his father in Mississippi. + To? Three days a week Kate went down to Camber well to teach. 4 go down: to reach as far as a particular point or place. + To? the road doesn «t go down to the beach - we» ll have to walk from here. 4 go down: if a price or the level of something goes down, it gets lower? The price of fruit tends to go down in the summer. + To? When I came out of hospital, my weight had gone down to eight stone. 6 go down: if the standard or quality of something goes down, it becomes worse? The standard of the food in the canteen has gone down a lot recently, things have gone down? Things have really gone down at the school since the old head teacher left. 7go down: if a computer goes down, or the telephone lines go down, they stop working because of a fault? Make sure you save your work regularly, just in case the computers go down. ? The lines had gone down in the storm, and we were cut off for days. 8 go down well / badly etc: to get good, bad etc reaction from people? The band «s given several performances so far, and they all went down really well. ?/Could see at once that my comments had gone down badly.9 go down well also go down nicely etc: if food or drink goes down well, nicely etc you enjoy eating or drinking it? A long cold drink would go down very nicely, thank you 10 go down: when the sun goes down at the end of the day, it gradually gets lower in the sky until it disappears? The sun was going down in the West. 11 go down: to fall to the ground, especially because of an accident or injury? The leading horse went down at the last jump.12go down on your knees also go down on all fours: to get into a kneeling position, or in a position with your hands and knees on the floor? Did he go down on his knees when he asked you to marry him?- 1 quickly went down on all fours and started to crawl towards the door.13 go down: if a ship or boat goes down, it sinks? Then our small boat began to go down and we found ourselves in the river. 14 go down: if a plane goes down, it crashes to the ground? The aircraft went down somewhere over the Atlantic.15 the lights go down: if lights go down in a theatre, cinema etc, they are turned off or made less bright so that the show can begin? The lights went down as the orchestra started to play. 16 go down: to lose a game against another team or player. + To / against? United went down 2-0 against Rovers. 17 go down: to move down to a lower group of teams or players who play against each other. + Top At the end of the season, five clubs went down to the second division. 18 go down: a tyre, balloon etc goes down, the air goes out of it? It looks as if the front tyre has gone down. 19 go down: if a swelli...

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