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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Висвітлення у ЗМІ терористичних актів 2010 року в Москві

Реферат Висвітлення у ЗМІ терористичних актів 2010 року в Москві

n que sus activistas hab? An sido enviados por toda Rusia para atacar infraestructuras. Una fuente del Kremlin consider? entonces la amenaza una estupidez. Sin embargo, en noviembre una bomba en la v? Af? Rrea Mosc? -San Petersburgo hacia descarrilar el tren Nevski Express y mataba a 26 personas.

El pasado enero, un coche bomba trat? de penetrar en un cuartel de la Polic? a en Majachkal? (Daguest? N). La explosi? N se produjo a la entrada del complejo, causando la muerte a seis personas. La matanza hubiese sido colosal si el veh? Culo hubiese podido llegar al patio, en donde estaban formados los agentes de la uni dad. En casi todos los casos se trata de terroristas suicidas, mujeres por lo general.

Medv? dev orden? entonces lo mismo que hoy, reforzar los controles policiales. La pol? Tica de aplastamiento del terror en nuestro pa? S continuar? , Dijo esta ma? Ana. Seg? N sus palabras, los autores de la masacre en el metro quer? An desestabilizar la situaci? N en el pa? S. El presidente checheno, Ramz? N Kad? Rov, tambi? N cree que los organizadores del atentado de hoy pretend? An sembrar el caos y hundir la econom? A del pa? s.

Lo cierto es que la econom? a rusa pierde fuelle ya de por s ?. El empobrecimiento de la poblaci? N va en aumentomientras se eleva el n? Mero de ricos, pese a la crisis, y tambi? N sus beneficios. Las manifestaciones de protesta, aunque a? N poco numerosas, empiezan a extenderse por toda Rusia.

Para ma? ana mi? rcoles, despu? s del d? a de luto de hoy, ha sido convocada una concentraci? n en Mosc? por la organizaci? n Solidaridad para reivindicar el derecho de manifestaci? n, exigir m? s democracia y pedir la dimisi? n de Putin.

Додаток 11

«Newsweek»: «Home to Roost» most Russians who get their news from state-controlled television, this morning s subway bombings in Moscow were a bolt from the blue. The official message was that Chechnya was pacified-and that the reign of terror imposed there by Vladimir Putin s lieutenant, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, had put an end to terrorist attacks forever. But the blasts at Moscow s Lubyanka and Park Kultury stations-which killed at least 38 people-are the clearest possible evidence that the Kremlin s tactics haven t worked. Far from being pacified, the North Caucasus republics of Chechnya, Ingushetia, and Dagestan remain dangerously unstable.message from the terrorists could not have been clearer: by striking at the Lubyanka metro, just yards from the headquarters of the Federal Security Service (FSB in Russian), Prime Minister Putin s alma mater (when it was known as the KGB), they are sending a signal that they still have the capacity to strike at the very heart of power in Russia s capital. According to FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov, the bombings were carried out by two women. That tactic is terrifyingly familiar from attacks on Moscow between 1998 and 2004. (Two Chechen women blew themselves up on the Moscow metro in 2004, killing 50 people, and women terrorists played a key role in the Moscow theater siege of 2002.) over the last year, Russian media have been playing down violence in the Caucasus, which has been spiraling out of control. This attack is the first to hit Moscow in five years, but the truth is that there have been 15 suicide bombings in South Russia since +2009, most dramatically the truck bombing of a police station in Dagestan last August that killed 20. Police in Ingushetia have fought running battles with radical Islamic insurgents for the last year, and in February they scored an apparent victory in killing 20 rebels, including Anzor Astimirov, the leader of a radical Wahhabi group from Kabardino-Balkaria. There is speculation that yesterday s attack could be the rebels revenge for that killing. s hard to overstate how badly the attacks have shocked Muscovites who bought into the official propaganda that Putin had brought peace to the Caucasus. This morning, pedestrians hurrying away from the scene talked of never taking the metro again. One elderly man, who declined to give his name, said the Caucuses Emirate sent [the powers that be] a message -a message that radical Islamic rebels, known colloquially by Russians as the Emirate, were not beaten. Meanwhile, central parts of Moscow resembled a war zone, with helicopters circling overhead, large areas of the city around the bomb sites closed to traffic, and many people staying at home in fear. Mobile-phone signals were jammed by police who feared that more bombs could be detonated by a phone call.politicians fear that the attacks will quickly become an excuse to strangle a gathering political thaw encouraged by President Dmitry Medvedev. Russian authorities will use every excuse to shut down independent movements in Russia, says Yulia Latynina...

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