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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

The case then went forward to the European Court of Human Rights.

Go forward with - go forward with sth: to start to do something that you have planned? Are you sure you want to-go forward with these charges? in - 1go in: to enter a building or room? It «s starting to rain. Do you want to go in? 2 go in: to go to the place where you work" Ed went in early every day last week. + To? Can I take the car if you» re not going in to work tomorrow? 3 go in: to go and stay in hospital in order to receive treatment? He «s had to go in to have an operation on his eye. + for? The actress reportedly went in for cosmetic surgery last week. 4 go in: to enter a dangerous building, area, or country in order to try and deal with the problems there? ok men. We »re going i go in sth, 5 go in: to fit inside a container, space, hole etc? There must be something wrong with this cassette; it won« t go in. 6 go in, go in sth: to join a company or organization? Bob went in at quite a low level, but he was quickly promoted.7 go in: if the sun or moon goes in, it disappears behind clouds ? The sun had gone in and it was starting to get cold. 8go in: if a piece of information goes in, you understand it and remember it / tried to concentrate on what he was saying, but it just wasn »t going in. go in for - 1 go in for sth: to do, use, have etc a particular type of thing, because you like it, or because it seems a good idea? In our family we don «t go in much for formal meals. ? Men don »t usually go in for displays of emotion. 2 go in for sth: to take part in a competition or examination?/Decided I «d go in for the Young Entertainer of the Year contest. ? There are several exams you can go in for if you want to improve your qualifications. 5 go into - 1 go into work / hospital etc: to go to work, hospital etc? You don »t look well enough to go into work today. 2 go into sth: to go to the centre of the town that you live in or near? I thought I «d go into Cambridge this afternoon, go into town? Could you give me a lift if you »re going into town? 3go into sth: to fit inside a container, space, hole etc? Which hole does this screw go into? 4 go into sth: to join a company, organization, or profession? At sixteen he left go into sth: to talk about something, especially in a detailed way? It «sa difficult subject and there isn» t time to go into it here. 5 go Into sth: to find out more about something, by getting all the necessary information? Before you make any further plans, you «d better go into the cost of all this. 6 go into sth: to start to be in a particular state or situation, especially a bad one? Her son went into a coma and never came out of it.7 go into debt? We had to go into debt in order to pay for our daughter »s wedding. 8 go into sth: to start behaving in a particular way. go into a mood / temper? She «s gone into one of her moods and is refusing to talk to anyone, go into a panic? The crowd went into a panic, and started to run for the exits. 9 go into sth: if a lot of time, money, effort etc goes into doing something, it is used in order to do it? Years of research went into the book, go into doing sth? Huge amounts of money have gone into developing new cancer drugs. 10 go into sth: to be used in something you are making? Some quite expensive ingredients go into this recipe. 11go into sth: to take part in a competition, election, or exam? The US team is extremely confident a...

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