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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

ng on your body goes down, it disappears? If you rest your leg, the swelling should go down soon. 20 go down: to be sent to prison? It was a horrible crime and the boys involved deserved to go down, go down for life/10 year s etc? If they ever catch the murderer, he »ll go down for life. 21 go down: to happen? I «ll never understand exactly what went down that night. 22 what »s going down?: Used as a greeting when you meet someone? Hey, Bob! What «s going down? Go down as - go down as sth: to be remembered or recorded as being a particular thing or type of person? He »s sure to go down as one of the greatest ever basketball players, go down in history as sth? She« ll go down in histories one of our most courageous war heroes. Go down with - go down with sth: to get an illness, especially one that is not very serious? Several people at work has gone down with flu. Go for - 1go for sth: to try to get, win, or achieve something. What sort of job are you going for, Tim? go for it! (= Used to encourage someone to try to do or get something)? It sounds like a good deal! Go for it! sb really goes for it (= used to say that someone tries as hard as they can to get something)? If she sees a chance for promotion, she really goes for it. 2 go for sth: to choose a particular thing because you think it is better or more suitable? I »d go for the black dress if I were you.3 go for sth / sb: to like a particular type of thing or person?/Don «t normally go for bright colors. 4 go for sth: to be sold or available to.buy for a particular price? How much did the painting go for in the end? 5 go for sb: to attack someone physically or criticize them very severely? Ben lifted his arm and for a second I thought he was going to go for me. ? She always used to go for him in meetings. 6 that goes for sb / sth also the same goes for sb / sth: used to say that the same thing is also true about someone or something else? I »ve always hated living in cities. Fortunately the same goes for my husband. 7 have a lot going for you: to have a lot of advantages or good qualities? we ve always thought that the Austrian skiing resorts have a lot going for them, have everything going for you? She had everything going for her, and then she had that terrible accident. 8 go for sth: to be used for a particular purpose? ? 54 million went for the resettlement of refugees. 9 go for your gun / knife etc: to move your hand quickly towards your gun, knife etc, in order to use it? The police officer thought he was going for his gun, and shot him through the chest.forward - 1go forward: to start to happen or to make progress? The project can only go forward if we are able to get further financial support. 2 go forward: if someone or something's name goes forward for a job, prize etc, and their name is officially suggested for it? Six names went forward for the position of chairman.

go forward: to compete in the next stage of a competition after winning the previous stage. + To? The winner of the competition will go forward to the national final. 4 the clocks go forward: when the clocks go forward in the spring, the time officially changes so that it is one hour later than it was before? The clocks go forward this Saturday. Go forward to - 1 go forward to sth: to be taken to a group of people in authority in order to be considered or officially decided? Our recommendations went forward to the Finance Committee. >...

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