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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

s it goes into Thursday »s game. 12 go into sth: to accidentally hit something such as a wall, tree, car etc? I didn't see the red lights and I went into the back of a BMW. 13 go into sth: if a number goes into a second number, the second number school and went into the family business can be divided exactly by the first? Seven doesn t go into thirty-two.

Go off - 1 go off: to leave the place where you are and go somewhere else. + To? All the men had gone off to the war. + To do sth? Dad went off to watch the baseball game. 2 go off sb / sth: to stop liking someone or something that you used to like? Pete went off me after he met another girl on holiday. ? I used to enjoy tennis, but I ve gone off a bit now. 3 go off: if food or drink goes off, it is not good to eat or drink any more because it is no longer fresh? Milk usually goes off after a few days. 4 go off: if a bomb goes off, it explodes? A bomb went off in East London last night, killing two people. 5 go off: if a light, machine ect goes off, it stops working? Suddenly all the lights went off. 6 go off: if a gun goes off, it fires? I heard a gun go off in the distance. 7 go off: If an alarm goes off, it makes a sudden loud noise? I set my alarm clock to go off at six. 8 go off well also go off smoothly: to happen successfully in the way that you had planned? Rosie was very nervous, but all the arrangements went off really smoothly. 9 go off: to suddenly start talking or thinking about something completely different? Ian suddenly went off into a description of his childhood. 10 go off: to become worth in standard or quality? It used to be a lovely hotel, but it s gone off a bit in recent years. 11 go off: to talk to or shout at someone very angrily. + On? Melissa really went off on Rich as soon as he got home. Go off with - 1go off with sb: to leave your husband, wife, boyfriend etc in order to have a relationship with someone else? Ken went off with a woman half his age. 2 go off with sth: to take something away from somewhere without permission, or to steal something? I think someone went off with my coat by mistake. ? He went off with thousands of pounds worth of jewelers. Go on - 1go on: to continue to happen or exist? The party went on until four in the morning. + For? The talks are expected to go on for several weeks. go on and on (= continue for a very long time)? The meeting went on and on, until we were practically, falling asleep. on going adj is used to emphasize that something continues to happen and does not stop? Learning is an ongoing process - it doesn «t stop when you leave school. 2 go on: to continue doing something without stopping or changing? If you go on like this, you »ll end up in hospital, go on doing sth? Philip completely ignored what I said and went on eating. ? It could go on raining like this all day. 9 go on: if something is going on, it is happening, especially something strange, unusual, or confusing? It was obvious that something very suspicious was going on. What s going on? There seems to be a lot of noise-what «s going on in there? Goings-on pl n events or activities that seem strange or that you disapprove of" - There» ve been some strange goings-on in the house next door. 4 go on: to do or achieve something, after you have finished doing something else . + to do sth? He went on to win an Olympic Gold medal in the 400 metres. + to? In 1980 fewer than 30% of girls went on...

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