rized by a great number of deviations from standard language due to their masculine type of behavior. We think that Individual speech code developed under the influence of a number of factors, for instance social, cultural, and economic and many others.gender peculiarities of dialogue discourse, we paid attention, in the first place, to communicative behavior strategy. We noticed that the male type of speech behavior is «competitive», and it assumes competitiveness, autonomy, striving for possession as we demonstrated by the tales. The female strategy of communicative behavior assumes interpersonal interaction, sociability and expression of feelings («cooperative» type). «Male» communication is less interlocutor-oriented; it is aimed at expressing one s own principles as in «Uncouth landowner».
«Female» communication is directed towards the interlocutor, mutual understanding and dialogue. It is admitted in any culture that woman s social status is less significant in comparison with the man s because man s activity in social sphere is viewed as more socially significant as opposed to woman s activity which is less productive as in «Uncouth landowner», «Beauty Kunkey», «Lazy Jack». studies confirm the existence of differences in men s and women s speech behavior. Gender-sensitive models of speech behavior are not assigned by nature; they are «constructed» by society, determined by institutions of social control and cultural traditions.assumption of men and women being different or alike is incorrect. Each person regardless of his / her sex assignment is an individual with equal opportunities. Various character peculiarities of men and women are caused not by their biological assignment to this or that sex. And these peculiarities (physiology and spiritual state) are best reflected in the English words «sex» and «gender». See that characters speech is directly related to communication. Thus, considerable differences of men s and women s worldview influence communication. Communication cannot be viewed disjointed from language as it is through language and other sign systems that worldview and, accordingly, gender peculiarities are expressed.our research, we view a communicative strategy as a part of communicative behavior or communicative interaction, where a number of verbal and non-verbal means are used for achieving a specific communicative aim, communicants personalities and communication setting being taken into account; as in «Pottle of brains» and «Lazy Jack» - mother positioning herself in a martial pose to show how determined she is. So, communicative tactics fulfill the function of the means of communicative strategy realization and correlate with individual communicative intentions.can now single out two types of influence: verbal and communicative. The key factors determining the possibility and effectiveness of verbal influence are:
? Linguistic - the interpretive factor of variational reflection of reality appears in the lexical sphere. It is based on the mechanisms of verbal influence on consciousness.
? Extra-linguistic - the factor of social demand for information with all its semiotic, psychic, ethno-cultural, social, cognitive and other characteristics of a person s life.
? Semiotic - an idea about the meaningful variety of linguistic expressions in accordance with objectives, goals, match or mismat...