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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Professional sea English language

Реферат Professional sea English language

ingray, and about l3/4 miles eastward of Saldera light-and-whistle buoy. The fairway buoy, situated about 4 miles north-westward of Cora Lighthouse, is a red and black chequered conical buoy with a topmark consisting of a double cross over a cone point down. No. 1 red and No. 2 black, situated about 8 cables southeastward of the fairway buoy have a cage and a truncated cone topmark respectively. A light-buoy, exhibiting a fixed red light, established southward of Auts Bank in a position about 13/4 miles east-north-eastward of Colpoys Point. A light-buoy exhibiting a fixed green light is established near the anchorage in a position about 5 cables north-north-eastward of Range Point. The position of the light buoys are not to be depended upon. In difficult parts of the river the channel is marked by red conical and black can buoys; during winter they are replaced by spar buoys. Red buoys indicate that the channel lies between them and the right bank and they must therefore be left on the starboard hand by vessels proceeding up-river. A light-and-bell-buoy, with red and black horizontal bands, and showing a short white flash every two seconds, is moored on the north-eastern side of Potter Rock. California Rock, small in extent, with a depth of 9 feet over it, lies nearly in mid-channel in the passage north-eastward of Pennock Island, about half a mile northward of the south-eastern extremity of the island. It is marked on its northeastern side by a black barrel shaped buoy with a topmark consisting of a cone point down.

17. A light-and-whistle-buoy, painted red, marked No. 2, exhibiting a white flashing light of one second's duration every ten seconds, is moored about 3 cables south-south-westward of Harwell Island.

I. A red beacon stands on the northern side of the shoal. 2. A red conical beacon stands on the edge of the reef extending about half a mile south-westward of Felice. 3. A beacon marks the edge of the reef extending northward from the southern entrance point of the bay. 4. A beacon, the position of which is approximate, stands near the northern end of the reef on the western side of the entrance. ol> A red beacon, surmounted by a cone, marks the outer end of a reef which extends about 4V2 cables west-south-westward from Clover, the eastern entrance point. Too much reliance should not be placed on the existence of beacons in the vicinity. The southern patch has a least depth of 3 fathoms and is marked on its north-western side by a black conical buoy, surmounted by a cylinder. A white triangular beacon stands on the eastern shore of Higgins Channel 2 V4 miles north-eastward of Betton Point. A beacon surmounted by a white disc, stands on the southern shore, which, in line with a rock, painted white, bearing 172 В°, leads to the anchorage. A red beacon is situated on the southern side of the fairway, three-quarters of a mile eastward of the north-western extremity of the reef on the southern side of the entrance. Two white, square leading beacons, the front one of which is a stone tower, standing at elevations of 164 and 184 feet, respectively, are situated on the northern side of the port. On the northern extremity of the north-western islet is a white pyramidal beacon 13 feet high, surmounted by a cross, and on the south-eastern islet is a similar beacon surmounted by an inverted cone and a cross. These beacons in line bearing 105 В°, lead through the channel southward of Larzatita Island, situated about a mile west-north-westward. A white square framework beacon, 29 feet high, stands on the southwestern side of the bay, about a quarter of a mile westward of the light structure. A white framework beacon surmounted by a cylinder, 31 feet high, stands on the same side, 4 V2 cables north-westward of the first beacon.

Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences into Russian

(A.) 1. A pillar shaped whistle buoy. ol> A black barrel shaped buoy. A ball topmark. A diamond shaped topmark. An entrance point. A fairway buoy.


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