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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Professional sea English language

Реферат Professional sea English language

lish Programme ((Lectures. Topmarks) and get acquainted with the Lateral and Cardinal Buoyage System) Listen, write down, draw in colour and outline the main characteristics

of the Lateral buoys; of the Cardinal buoys;

Be ready to describe orally any of them and answer the following questions11. Complete the chart

CARDINAL SYSTEMIALA-A SYSTEMIALA-B BULight: LightLight: WNumber: Number-Shape: Shape ЧColour: Colour: (SB) STARBaTopmarks: Light: Topmarks: Light: Shape: H BUOYSColour: Topmarks: Light: Number: Number: Shape: Colour : Shape: Colour: 8 ! Topmarks: Light: Number: Topmarks: Light NumberWEST BUOYS! Shape Colour: Topmarks: Light. PORT SIDE | Shape: Colour: Topmarks. Light: Number: Shape: Colour: Topmarks. Light: Number: Shape. Colour: Topmarks: Light: NumberShape. Colour Topmarks: Light. Number: EAST BUOYSShape: Colour: Topmarks. Light: Shape: Colour: Topmarks. Light. NumberShape: Colour. Topmarks Light: Number:

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions

What systems is the buoyage system divided into? What is the lateral system used for? What is the Cardinal system used for? How are the North Cardinal buoys indicated? How are the South Cardinal buoys indicated? How are the West Cardinal buoys indicated? How are the East Cardinal Buoys indicated? What information does a pillar buoy provide itself? What are the Yellow Spherical buoys used for? What are the spherical buoys painted in vertical stripes used for? How is direction of the ship marked in a I ALA-A system? What are the odd numbers used for in a Lateral System? What are the even numbers used for in a Lateral System? What lights may be exhibited from Lateral buoys? What are the cardinal colours? What do they mean? Draw the picture. What lights are used on Safe water buoys?

РАНТ 413. Read the paragraphs from Pilot - book and translate them into lussian

There are three buoys in the harbour marking the channel. A red bell buoy with a staff is moored close off the north-eastern extremity) fDoboy. A black nun buoy is placed at the western end of the channel in a depth of 15 feet. Vessels must pass northward of it A black spar buoy, with conical topmark, is moored in a depth of 10 feet, on he shoal extending off the western entrance point of the bay. A green wreck buoy lies close eastward of the black beacon buoy and on he south side of a sunken wreck, on which there is a least depth of 26 feet. A red spar buoy, surmounted by a ball, is moored in a depth of 5 V2 feth-Dms, at 6 cables eastward from the old lighthouse, to mark the extremity of the-ocky ledge extending in that direction. A can buoy and red spar buoy lie on the south-eastern side of the shoals on he northern side of the approach, at a distance of 16 miles, 82 В° true, from Zumber Lighthouse . A spherical buoy painted in black and white horizontal stripes, surmounted by an iron staff and cross, lies close south-eastward of Cabretta. A black spindle buoy with cylindrical topmark is moored off the extreme of the shallow ree ВЈ extending about 1/3 cables southward from rocky ledges, one of wh ich dries 9 feet. A pillar shaped whistle buoy, painted in black and white horizontal bands, marked "L. P. ", surmounted by a staff, and exhibiting a white occulting light is placed in 12 fathoms about 1V4 miles north-eastward of the northern extremity of Tybee Bank. A black and red vertically striped conical buoy marked "S. M. ", with a topmark consisting of a cone point down surmounted by a cross, is established off the entrance to St...

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