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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

t on a determined way? «I want you to go out there and win,» said the coach.

go out: if money goes out, it is spent? everything s so expensive - my money goes out almost as soon as I get it. Outgoings Pl n the money that you have to spend regularly each month or year? if you are outgoings are high, it is difficult to save money as well. 10 go out: to be broadcast on television or radio? The interview will go out live at 7 o clock on Wednesday evening. 11 the tide goes out: if the tide goes out, the sea moves away from the land? it can be dangerous to swim here when the tides going out. 12 go out: to lose a game against another player or team, so that you cannot continue in a sports competition? She went out in the quarter finals at Wimbledon. Go out of-go out of sth / sb: if the excitement, energy etc goes out of something or someone, they no longer have it? All the fun and excitement had gone out of her life. Go out to - your sympathy goes out to sb also your heart etc goes out to sb: used to say that you fee! A lot of sympathy for someone because they are in a very sad or difficult situation? Our sympathy goes out to all the families affected by this tragedy. Go out with-"go out together, go out with sb: to have a romantic or sexual relationship with someone, but not be married to or live with them? / Only went out with Pete a couple of times - he wasn't really my type!

Go over - 1go over: to visit someone who lives near you for a short time? Debbie «s out of hospital - Ithink I might go over and see her this evening. + To? I »m going over to Steve« s for dinner. 2 go over: to visit a place that is across the sea. + To? We »re going over to Ireland to see Jenny's family. 3 go over sth: to examine or discuss something carefully and in detail? The President was in his study, going over his speech for the following day.

go over sth: to explain something to someone to make sure that they have understood it? Our boss went over what we had to do when the visitors arrived. 5 go over sth: to keep thinking about something that has happened, especially something bad or annoying? Neil kept going over what had happened, trying to work out how it had all gone wrong, go over sth in your mind> She went over it again and again in her mind. Why had Robert been so unfriendly? 6 go over sth: to clean something thoroughly? Simon went over the carpet with the vacuum cleaner.

Going-over n give sth a going-over to clean something?/Need to give the house a good going-over before Mum comes to stay. 7 go over sth: to search a place very carefully? I «ve gone over every inch of the house, but I can» t find my ring anywhere, go over sth with a fine-tooth comb (= search a place extremely carefully)? The police went over the area with a fine-tooth comb go over to - 1 go over to sth: to change to a different system or a different way of doing things? We used to have gas heaters, but now we've gone over to solar power. 2 go over to sth: to leave a group or organization and join the one that is opposing them? If the army went over to the rebels, the government would collapse.

Go over board - go overboard: to do something too much, or react in an extreme way? «It« s one of the best films I »ve ever seen.» «There« s no need to go overboard - it wasn »t that good.» + On / with? People seem to be going overboard ...

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