ch of ideas about linguistic variants of denoting an object or phenomenon, communicants understanding and correction of choice.
? Social - selection and batching of information, correlation of negative and positive details (for instance, praise of feasible elements of criticism, criticism of positive assessment), knowledge and consideration of stereotypes and tales of mass consciousness, authoritative statements.
? Cognitive - a person s processing of information: inert perception, misinterpretation of evidence, perception of false casual connections leading to inadequate reflection of reality.
? Psychological - emotional verbal influence on the addressee: a) persuasion (logical arguments) - reliance on consciousness, intellect; b) suggestion (emotional arguments) - appeals to emotions and putting the addressee into the psychological state necessary for the addresser s aims. Communicative influence assumes influence on the addressee s knowledge (cognitive level), relations (affective level) and intentions (connotative level) in the direction necessary for the addresser.on the addressee s consciousness assumes presence of the subject and object of influence and represents an action aimed at someone or something in order to achieve or infuse something.and analysis of communicative strategies and tactics men s and women s speech behavior has shown that it is rather difficult to speak about working out a single classification because people s communicative behavior is determined by a great number of factors. We can distinguish «general» and «particular» strategies, classification of particular strategies being rather complicated due to the variety and instability of communicative situations described in the tales.the course of studying gender differences in tales texts, communicative behavior strategies were brought to the forefront. Social conditions being equal social and professional status, age, communicative role etc.), Men and women have different strategies of speech behavior. Gender roles vary according to the communicative situation and the speaker s intention. Gender is a «floating» parameter which influences a person s communicative behavior.strategy of male communicative behavior assumes competitiveness, autonomy, striving for possession of control (competitive type). The female strategy of communicative behavior assumes interpersonal interaction, sociability and expression of feelings (cooperative type).
«Male» communication is less interlocutor-oriented; it is aimed at expressing one s own principles. «Female» communication is directed towards the interlocutor, mutual understanding and dialogue.these, we would argue, create a web of meaning, a socially constructed worldview that historically has excluded or made secondary the experience of certain groups of people. In addition, mass mediated messages offer the most contemporary, powerful, technologically and rhetorically sophisticated strategies for shaping cultural reality. The beauty, diet, and advertising industries are the most obvious, best researched examples of contemporary, self-conscious myth-makers who control cultural concepts (and acceptable images) of gender (of what it takes aj (-=nd means to be male or female, masculine or feminine). us look at the comparative table of female gender discourse in the three languages ??represented in the tales.let...