suffer from fatigue, drowse and they dont display great activity during the whole day at school.
2.4 Nutrition
The next concerned point is children s nutrition. It was expected, that because of eating unhealthy junk food, which consists of a huge variety of unhealthy, harmful supplements, the behavior of students changes, they become inattentive, angry and hyperactve. Different supplements influence not only on physical health, but also on mental health.
Junk food destroys emotional stability and is an obstacle to the development as well. («How ??Foods Affect Mental And Emotional Health») It was found, that children eat junk food very frequently, namely 43% answer, that they eat junk food even once a day or a week. 44% report that they eat such food seldom and 13% - always. Ration of junk food is endless, but we picked out only 7 types and asked pupils which products they like more and made a rating table №1
It is showed, that chocolate consumption is in the first place.really like chocolate, but they dont really know how harmful and beneficial it is for them at the same time. Children dont limit themselves eating a lot of chocolate. But the intake of chocolate a day is 40gr, children prefer to eat the whole bar, which is usually about 100-150gr. But it is already known, that a small dose of chocolate is health-giving, because it increases the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates moods, creating a good mood. (Russell) But the excessive dose of chocolate causes emotional problems, such as anger, depression, confusion. These behavior problmes were mentioned by polled students.
negative displays pupil behavior
The research paper gave some background knowledge to the topic of this paper. The information was taken from various sources. Then the surveys were conducted in Laanemere gymnasium, Tallinn.research hypothesis was: he lack of sleep, unhealthy food habits and the lack of physical exercises affect pupil s behavior.
In the process of research, the hypothesis was confirmed out, so there are some inferences:
. Children sleep not enough, in 0.7 times less, than they must. It causes fatigue, tension, drowse and unwillingness to be active.
. 74% of students go to sleep later, than they must, because of sittinng in front of TV or computer.
. 70% of polled children lead a passive lifestyle, what causes depression, apathy and sometimes hyperactivity.
. Students usually let out their saved energy by aggression and shouting at school.
. The most widespread product of junk food among children is chocolate.
. 56% children consume junk food rather often, what causes problems with as physical and mental health.suggestions to improve pupils behavior were made in this research paper. This research paper is believed to be useful for teachers, parents and pupils in Laanemere gymnasium.
1. Sleep more, calculating in advance the time of sleeping, what almost always has to be about 10 hours. Also observe daily schedule even at the weekend.
. Map your day in a such way to have time for everything.
. Do sport! Do morning exercises, such exercises won t only wake you up, but will give an energy. Go to the gym at least once per week.
. Use your energy wisely, without fighting and shouting during breaks at school. Draw, dance and talk with classmates.
. Remember about a harmful side of chocolate. Hold to the daily norm - 40gr per day, prolong the enjoyment.
. Cut down eating of junk food. Replace sugary beverages by juice and water, snack food by fruits and vegetables, forget about fried fast food, keep eating candies and sweet desserts, but reduce the amount of them
. Be active, health and happy.
1. «How Foods Affect Mental And Emotional Health». (n.d.). Retrieved from # justify gt ;. Chrysohoou, C. (2011). «Cardiovascular Disease-Related Lifestyle Factors and Longevity». Retrieved from # justify gt ;. Melinda Smith, M. L. (2013, October). Retrieved from How Much Sleep Do You Need? Raquo ;: # justify gt ;. Paton, G. (2006). «Ten reasons for bad behavior». Retrieved from # justify gt ;. Rain, E. (n.d.). «Psychological Effect of Sleep Deprivation». Retrieved from # justify gt ;. Russell, M. (n.d.). «The Effects Of Chocolate On The Emotions». Retrieved from # justify gt ;. Stibich. (2009)....