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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Експертна оцінка вибору автомобіля

Реферат Експертна оцінка вибору автомобіля


1. If (Cost is low) and (Kachestvo is low) and (Econ is low) and (Nadegnost is low) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Bad) (1)

. If (Cost is hi) or (Kachestvo is low) or (Econ is low) or (Nadegnost is low) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Bad) (1)

. If (Cost is not hi) and (Kachestvo is medium) and (Econ is medium) and (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Good) (Lada is Good) (1)

. If (Cost is not low) and (Kachestvo is medium) and (Econ is medium) and (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Good) (Lada is Bad) (1)

. If (Cost is hi) and (Kachestvo is hi) and (Econ is medium) and (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is not Good) (1)

. If (Cost is medium) and (Kachestvo is not low) and (Econ is not low) and (Nadegnost is hi) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Good) (Lada is not Bad) (1)

. If (Cost is low) and (Kachestvo is low) and (Econ is low) and (Nadegnost is not hi) then (Ford is not Good) (Toyota is not Good) (Lada is Bad) (1)

. If (Cost is medium) and (Kachestvo is hi) and (Econ is not low) and (Nadegnost is not low) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is not Bad) (Lada is Good) (1)

. If (Cost is medium) or (Kachestvo is low) or (Econ is not medium) or (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Good) (1)

. If (Cost is not hi) or (Kachestvo is low) or (Econ is not medium) or (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Good) (1)

. If (Cost is not medium) and (Kachestvo is hi) and (Econ is low) and (Nadegnost is hi) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Bad) (1)

. If (Cost is low) and (Kachestvo is hi) and (Econ is hi) and (Nadegnost is not low) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Good) (Lada is Good) (1)

. If (Cost is hi) and (Kachestvo is medium) and (Econ is medium) and (Nadegnost is not hi) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Bad) (1)

. If (Cost is medium) and (Kachestvo is medium) and (Econ is hi) and (Nadegnost is low) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Good) (1)

. If (Cost is medium) and (Kachestvo is hi) and (Econ is low) and (Nadegnost is hi) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Good) (Lada is Bad) (1)

. If (Cost is hi) or (Kachestvo is low) or (Econ is not medium) or (Nadegnost is not medium) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Bad) (1)

. If (Cost is not hi) or (Kachestvo is not low) or (Econ is medium) or (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is not Bad) (Lada is not Bad) (1)

. If (Cost is low) and (Kachestvo is low) and (Econ is medium) and (Nade...

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