1. If (Cost is low) and (Kachestvo is low) and (Econ is low) and (Nadegnost is low) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Bad) (1)
. If (Cost is hi) or (Kachestvo is low) or (Econ is low) or (Nadegnost is low) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Bad) (1)
. If (Cost is not hi) and (Kachestvo is medium) and (Econ is medium) and (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Good) (Lada is Good) (1)
. If (Cost is not low) and (Kachestvo is medium) and (Econ is medium) and (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Good) (Lada is Bad) (1)
. If (Cost is hi) and (Kachestvo is hi) and (Econ is medium) and (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is not Good) (1)
. If (Cost is medium) and (Kachestvo is not low) and (Econ is not low) and (Nadegnost is hi) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Good) (Lada is not Bad) (1)
. If (Cost is low) and (Kachestvo is low) and (Econ is low) and (Nadegnost is not hi) then (Ford is not Good) (Toyota is not Good) (Lada is Bad) (1)
. If (Cost is medium) and (Kachestvo is hi) and (Econ is not low) and (Nadegnost is not low) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is not Bad) (Lada is Good) (1)
. If (Cost is medium) or (Kachestvo is low) or (Econ is not medium) or (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Good) (1)
. If (Cost is not hi) or (Kachestvo is low) or (Econ is not medium) or (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Good) (1)
. If (Cost is not medium) and (Kachestvo is hi) and (Econ is low) and (Nadegnost is hi) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Bad) (1)
. If (Cost is low) and (Kachestvo is hi) and (Econ is hi) and (Nadegnost is not low) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Good) (Lada is Good) (1)
. If (Cost is hi) and (Kachestvo is medium) and (Econ is medium) and (Nadegnost is not hi) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Bad) (1)
. If (Cost is medium) and (Kachestvo is medium) and (Econ is hi) and (Nadegnost is low) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Good) (1)
. If (Cost is medium) and (Kachestvo is hi) and (Econ is low) and (Nadegnost is hi) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Good) (Lada is Bad) (1)
. If (Cost is hi) or (Kachestvo is low) or (Econ is not medium) or (Nadegnost is not medium) then (Ford is Bad) (Toyota is Bad) (Lada is Bad) (1)
. If (Cost is not hi) or (Kachestvo is not low) or (Econ is medium) or (Nadegnost is medium) then (Ford is Good) (Toyota is not Bad) (Lada is not Bad) (1)
. If (Cost is low) and (Kachestvo is low) and (Econ is medium) and (Nade...