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Реферат Role plays

d will speak in a foreign language in this case? Are not here rich teaching opportunities? Children, however, do not think about it. For them a game is a fun That is why teachers like to use. Everyone is equal in the game It is feasible, even for the weakest students. Sense of equality, the atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of feasible tasks - all of this gives students an opportunity to overcome shyness, which prevents free speech, and has a beneficial effect on learning process game is a kind of situation that has its own plot, conflict and actors During the game, the situation is played several times, and each time it may have a new version. But at the same time a situation of the game is a real life situation Despite the clear rules of a game and limited use of language material, it necessarily has an element of surprise. Hearing an unexpected question, a child will immediately begin to think how to answer it. That is why, it is characteristic for a game to have a spontaneous speech Verbal communication, which includes not only speech but also gestures, mimics and etc., Has the determination and binding., MF Stronin considers a game as a situational variative exercise, which creates the opportunity for frequent repetition of the speech sample in conditions as close to the actual verbal communication with its inherent characteristics - emotionality, spontaneity, action oriented speech effect.biologist and psychologist Boytendayk F. (1933) gives an etymological analysis of the word "game" and tries to deduce the characteristics of the processes identified by the word. Among these characteristics, he finds the movement, spontaneity and freedom, joy and fun.word "game" is not a scientific concept in the strict sense of the word.

Thus, for Schiller, a game is a pleasure associated with the free expression of the needs of the external surplus of vitality. In other words, a game - it is an aesthetic activity Excess of power, free from external needs, is just the condition of aesthetic pleasure, which, is delivered by the game according to the Schiller [9]. p align="justify"> Wundt was inclined to consider the source of a game was pleasure "There is not one game that would not have had his prototype in a form of serious work, and it is always preceded by time and by its very essence. the need to exist forses a person to work And in the labour he gradually begins to appreciate his own activities as a source of pleasure. These thoughts of Wundt have fundamental importance .. regulations are important for understanding the origin of the game as an activity In the history of human society, the game can not come earlier than work. p align="justify"> Thus, the human game - is an activity in which the social relationships between people reconstract outside of any direct activity

1.2 The psychological value of the game

The game is one of the...

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