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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Visions of the future

Реферат Visions of the future

ake sentences about ideas that would help the environment. Do it in pairs, please.


1. avoid

. promote

. improve

. discuss

. ban

. increase

. prevent

. achieve

To make sure that you understand everything clear, let s do one more exercise. It is on your copies.should fill the gaps with appropriate word.

Verb / Noun Collocations

1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?

. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out

. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?

. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.

. I «ve tried telling him that I don» t want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be ..... the message.

. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.

. I don «t know what» s wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.

. You should try to .......... more attention in class.


1. keep

. make

. do

. take

. getting

. reached

. losing

. paydone!

4) Розвиток умінь і навичок усного мовлення

We should develop your communication skills, so let s practice your speaking abilities and do the next exercises.

Exercise 7 on page 49 (SB)

Work in pairs. Make three predictions about the world in fifty years time. Use the ideas in the box to help you.notes, please in your copybooks.

Exercise 8 on page 49 (SB)

Tell the class your predictions. Let s do it one by one. Do you agree or disagree? Also, let s decide if they are optimistic, pessimistic or likely.was the most interesting prediction today?

5) Розвиток навичок аудіювання

All right! Now we are going to watch a movie about what can happen to our planet in the future. The Day After Tomorrow is a 2004 American science-fiction disaster film depicting catastrophic effects of global warming in a series of extreme weather events that usher in global cooling and leads to a new ice age. A climatologist tries to figure out a way to save the world from abrupt global warming. He must get to his young son in New York, which is being taken over by a new ice age. d like you to watch it very attentive, make a plan on which you ll base during your retelling of it. We ll watch not the whole movie, because we have not enough time for this, that s why you have to watch it till the end at home and do the tasks on the copies (* see appendix 2 ) .

IV. Заключна частина

) Підведення підсумків уроку


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