Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Visions of the future

Реферат Visions of the future

p align="justify"> Friends, our lesson is coming to the end. I «m happy to say we» ve done a good bit of work during the lesson. So,

What have you learned today?

What can you do now?

Can you understand and react to experts predictions for the future?

Have you learned anything about collocations? right!

2) Інформація про домашнє завдання, інструкція про його виконання

Please, open your daybooks and write your home-assignment:, you are to retell the movie and do exercise which can help me to check your understanding of the movie., you are to read the text Brave New World and do exercise 2 on page 44 (WB). you. The lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye.

комунікативний інтерактивний граматичний компетенція


Collocation Lists

this page you can find a few short lists of collocations to give you more of an idea about them. Many good learner's dictionaries show collocations associated with specific words. There are also dictionaries of collocations, though these are more difficult to findmon verbs


have a batha drinka good timea haircuta holidaya problema relationshipa restlunchsympathy


do businessnothingsomeone a favourthe cookingthe houseworkthe shoppingthe washing upyour bestyour hairyour homework


make a differencea messa mistakea noisean effortfurnituremoneyprogressroomtrouble


take a breaka chancea looka resta seata taxian examnotessomeone «s placesomeone» s temperature

break a habita lega promisea recorda windowsomeone's heartthe icethe lawthe news to someonethe rules

catch a balla busa chilla colda thieffiresight ofsomeone «s attentionsomeone» s eyethe flu


pay a fineattentionby credit cardcashinterestsomeone a complimentsomeone a visitthe billthe priceyour respects


save electricityenergymoneyone «s strengthsomeone a seatsomeone» s lifesomething to a diskspacetimeyourself the trouble

keep a diarya promisea secretan appointmentcalmcontrolin touchquietsomeone's placethe change


come closecomplete withdirectearlyfirstinto viewlastlateon timepreparedright backsecondto a compromiseto a decisionto an agreementto an endto a standstillto terms withto a total ofunder attack

go abroadastraybadbaldbankruptblindcrazydarkdeaffishingmadmissingon footonlineout of businessoverseasquietsailingto waryellow

get a joba shockangrydivorceddrunkfrightenedhomelostmarriednowherepermissionpregnantreadystartedthe impressionthe messagethe sackupsetwetworried

Verb / Noun Collocations

1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?

. If we ........

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