Collocation Lists this page you can find a few short lists of collocations to give you more of an idea about them. Many good learner's dictionaries show collocations associated with specific words. There are also dictionaries of collocations, though these are more difficult to findmon verbs
have a batha drinka good timea haircuta holidaya problema relationshipa restlunchsympathy
do businessnothingsomeone a favourthe cookingthe houseworkthe shoppingthe washing upyour bestyour hairyour homework
make a differencea messa mistakea noisean effortfurnituremoneyprogressroomtrouble
take a breaka chancea looka resta seata taxian examnotessomeone s placesomeone s temperature
break a habita lega promisea recorda windowsomeone's heartthe icethe lawthe news to someonethe rules
catch a balla busa chilla colda thieffiresight ofsomeone s attentionsomeone s eyethe flu
pay a fineattentionby credit cardcashinterestsomeone a complimentsomeone a visitthe billthe priceyour respects
save electricityenergymoneyone s strengthsomeone a seatsomeone s lifesomething to a diskspacetimeyourself the trouble
keep a diarya promisea secretan appointmentcalmcontrolin touchquietsomeone's placethe change
come closecomplete withdirectearlyfirstinto viewlastlateon timepreparedright backsecondto a compromiseto a decisionto an agreementto an endto a standstillto terms withto a total ofunder attack
go abroadastraybadbaldbankruptblindcrazydarkdeaffishingmadmissingon footonlineout of businessoverseasquietsailingto waryellow
get a joba shockangrydivorceddrunkfrightenedhomelostmarriednowherepermissionpregnantreadystartedthe impressionthe messagethe sackupsetwetworried
Verb/Noun Collocations
1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?
. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out
. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?
. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.
. I ve tried telling him that I don t want to see him again but he does not seem to be ... .. the message.
. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.
. I don t know what s wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.
. You should try to .......... more attention in class.
Verb/Noun Collocations
1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?
. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out
. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?
. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.
. I ve tried telling him that I don t want to see him again but he does not seem to be ... .. the message.
. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.
. I don t know what s wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.
. You should try to .......... more attention in class.
Verb/Noun Collocations
1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?
. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out
. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?
. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.
. I ve tried telling him that I don t want to see him again but he does not seem to be ... .. the message.
. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.
. I don t know what s wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.
. You should try to .......... more attention in class.
Verb/Noun Collocations
1. Can you .......... an eye o...