e to rest. I read somewhere that Academician Korolyov was so much carried away by his work that he didn t find time for rest, he didn t like to rest, he had no hobby. And of course he worked well. If what I said is true it ruins the English proverb .: On the whole I agree with what Vova said. There are different types of people. I know a pupil who is in our class and he can neither study nor rest. He just idles away his time. What would you say about that ?: May I say a few words? Well, as far as I can understand the English proverb which we are discussing, it says nothing about those who can not work. It deals with those who know how to work. Anyhow I agree with Vova and Andrej who believe the proverb is not true. Many people know how to work well but they don t know how to rest well. To arrange a good rest is not so simple, it requires wish or some skill, for instance, playing chess or playing the guitar. People should be taught how to rest, I think. Young people are taught some profession, and they are taught very well, but sometimes nobody shows them how to rest. І так далі ...
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