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Реферат Предпереводческій аналіз тексту

effort to derail it and putting a chill on relations with Turkey. The House panel's resolution, approved on a 23-22 vote, faces an uncertain future in Congress. But it nonetheless could damage US relations with Turkey, a vital ally in the Middle East and Central Asia. Within minutes of the vote, Ankara said it was recalling its ambassador from Washington for consultations. Turkey took the same step in 2007, when the committee passed a similar resolution. Thursday's vote also raised concerns for big US defense firms including Lockheed Martin Corp., Boeing Co., Raytheon Co., United Technologies Corp. and Northrop Grumman Corp. Turkey is involved in several weapons projects with such companies, including helicopters, missiles and the F-35 fighter jet, and the companies are worried about losing business. The vote was carried live on most Turkish television and radio news channels and was seen as a significant blow to Turkey's already limping attempt at rapprochement with Armenia. Armenians say as many as 1.5 million ethnic Armenians were killed in 1915 during the dying days of the Ottoman Empire in what they consider a precursor to the Jewish holocaust. Many historians agree that the executions and mass deportations into deserts amounted to genocide. Turkey argues the death toll was lower, and many Turks contend the deaths were a result of civil war stirred up by World War I opponents such as Russia, and included atrocities on both sides. The Obama administration had lobbied members of the panel to demur. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard Berman (D., Calif.) On Wednesday and "indicated that further congressional action could impede progress on normalization of relations" between Turkey and Armenia, a White House spokesman said. That undermined a campaign pledge from then-Sen. Barack Obama, who said in January 2008 that "as president I will recognize the Armenian genocide." The White House spokesman, Mike Hammer, added Thursday that "the president's position on the events of 1915 is well known and his view of that history has not changed. "Until Wednesday, the Obama administration had taken a hands-off approach to the vote. That stood in contrast to the Bush and Clinton administrations, which openly opposed the resolution on the long-running genocide issue. Mr. Obama on Wednesday called Turkish President Abdullah Gul to thank him for his country's efforts to normalize relations with Armenia and pressed for rapid ratification of border-opening protocols, the White House said. The vote is a comfort to many members of the 80,000-strong Armenian-American community in Glendale, Calif., Said Vicken Papazian, adviser to the Armenian National Committee board and a lawyer practicing there. "It's an issue that touches practically every Armenian in one way or another," he said. "Time has passed but the impact hasn't." The House has voted to declare the 1915 killings a genocide before, in 1975 and 1984 but officials said the full Congress has never approved it. Armenian lobbyists push annually for congressional approval. Over the decades, they have met strong resistance from a White House unwilling to upset Turkey, and analysts there suggested the vote would have consequences. The Bush administration blocked a floor vote on a 2007 resolution. "We can now declare the rapprochement with Armenia dead, the border cannot open now," said Huseyin Bagci, professor of international relations at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. He predicted anti-Americanism in Turkey, already strong in recent years, would rise, and that the vote would be seen in Turkey as a failure of the government's foreign policy. Turkey's small Armenian community was subdued. "We live with Turks, and Turkey is changing for the first time in one hundred years," said Etyen Mahcupyan, editor in chief of Agos, a bilingual Turkish-Armenian newspaper. His predecessor, Hrant Dink, was assassinated by a Turkish nationalist in 2007. "Of course 1915 is hugely important to us, but not what the US Congress calls it." ППА: Автори вихідного тексту Джон Маккинон і Марк Чемпіон, джерело - The Wall Street Journal. Час створення тексту - сучасність. Реципієнт тексту - середньостатистичний громадянин. Комунікативне завдання тексту - повідомити інформацію реципієнту, тому основна інформація - когнітивна, її щільність висока. Присутні також елементи емоційної інформації, що притаманне публіцистичного стилю, в якому написаний текст. Жанр - газетна статья.Резолюція Конгресу про геноцид викликала невдоволення Туреччини ("The Wall Street Journal", США) Анкара відкликає посла у відповідь на засудження комітетом американського Конгресу вірменської різанини 1915 Джон Маккіннон (JOHN D. MCKINNON), Марк Чемпіон (MARC CHAMPION) 05/03/2010 Комітет Конгресу США ухвалив резолюцію, що визнає масові вбивства вірмен, які сталися в Османській Імперії в 1915 р...

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