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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Communicative language teaching: Where are we going? Studies in Language Learning, 4 (2). (EDRS No. ED278226, 210 pages)

43.Sheils, J. (1986). Implications of the communicative approach for the role of the teacher. (EDRS No. ED268831, 7 pages)

. Swain, M., & Canale, M. (1982). The role of grammar in a communicative approach to second language teaching and testing. (EDRS No. ED221026, 8 pages) (not available separately; available from EDRS as part of ED221023, 138 pages)

. Swan, M. (1985). A critical look at the communicative approach (1). ELT Journal, 39 (1), 2-12.

. Swan, M. (1985). A critical look at the communicative approach (2). ELT Journal, 39 (2), 76-87.

. Savignon, S., & Berns, M. S. (Eds.). (1984). Initiatives in communicative language teaching.

48.Stevick, E. (1976) Memory, meaning and method. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.

49.Summers, D. (1988) The role of dictionaries in language learning in Carter and McCarthy, Vocabulary and Language Teaching London: Longman.

. Swan, M. (1995) Practical English Usage. Second Edition. OUP.

51.Terrell, T. D. (1991). The role of grammar instruction in a communicative approach. Modern Language Journal, 75 (1), 52-63.

52.Thornbury, S. (1997) About Language. CUP.

53.Thornbury, S. (2002) How to teach vocabulary. Longman.

. Underhill, D. (2005) Pronunciation and phrasal verbs. MED Magazine, Issue 43, October 2005.

55.Willems, G., & Riley, P. (Eds.). (1984). Communicative foreign language teaching and the training of foreign language teachers. (EDRS No. ED273102, 219 pages)

56.Reading, PA: Addison-Wesley.

57.Watson-Jones, P. (2001) Penguin Quick Guides: English Phrasal Verbs (Penguin Quick Guides). Longman.














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