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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Іноземна мова. Сфера сервісу (англійська мова)

Реферат Іноземна мова. Сфера сервісу (англійська мова)

fy"> t call me. He _____.

. I m certain Marie sent you a birthday card. Mary _____.

. I m sure she has been keeping secrets from me. She _____.

. I m sure David didn t go to the supermarket. Davis _____.

. I m certain he is working at the library. He _____.

Exercise 17. Translate the following sentences into English using suitable modal verbs. p align="justify"> 1. Мені піти і дізнатися, чи зробив він роботу? Він, має бути, зробив її ще вчора. 2. Тобі довго довелося чекати його? 3. Даремно я прийшов. Збори скасували. 4. Ти повинен був сказати нам про це, а то тепер ми не знаємо, що робити. 5. "Невже вона забула замовити нам номери в готелі?" - "Вона напевно, замовила їх на своє ім'я." 6. Не може бути, щоб вона зробила таку дурість. 7. Він має приїхати п'ятигодинним потягом. Невже він запізнився на нього? 8. Він, напевно, не сказав їм про це, і вони, напевно, не прийдуть. 9. Він міг би хоча б що-небудь сказати, щоб підтримати мене. 10. Ти міг би сказати, що запізнишся. 11. На жаль, я не зміг поговорити з менеджером. Мені слід було зателефонувати і домовитися про зустріч заздалегідь. 12. Тобі слід було б ще раз прочитати свій твір. Там, напевно, є помилки. 13. Даремно ти так розмовляв з ним. Він міг образитися. 14. Не може бути, щоб він забув про свою обіцянку. p align="justify"> Thing to do

Task 1. Speaking. p align="justify"> - You are at a fast food restaurant. Take turns to be a waiter and a customer. p align="justify"> Task 2. Speaking and Discussing. p align="justify"> 1. Translate, explain and comment on the some traditional Russian dish to your guest: salad (Russian potato salad), goluptsi (cabbage rolls), crab stick, salad, pelmeni, vareniki, herring under a fur coat, vinigret salad, draniki, borscht, chicken Kiev, ukha, pirozhki, okroshka, compote.

. Be a host and a guest in turns.your partner like this: Can you tell me what Oliver Salad is? About: Olivier salad (Russian potato salad), goluptsi (cabbage rolls, crab stick salad, pelmeni, herring under a fur coat, etc.

3. Project Work:

В· Imagine you are student travelers/business travelers. You are going to have lunch in St-Petersburg. Where will you go? What are the best eating places in the city centre? Use the Internet to find out. Collect as much information as possible. Give reasons for your choice.

В· Work in small groups. Prepare a short presentation on the restaurants and cafes in St-Petersburg.

В· Write a letter to your foreign friend describing your latest visit to some interesting restaurant or cafe and the experience you have had eating there. Express your opinion.

Task 3. Read the description of some Russian dishes. Guess what they are? p align="justify"> 1. A vegetarian salad (boiled beets, potatoes, and carrots; pickles, some chopped onion)

. A cold soup based on kvas, green onion, herbs and spices such as black pepper, mustard or horse radish. p align="justify">. A fish soup cooked with potatoes and other vegetables. p align="justify">. Salad with rice (or pasta), boiled eggs, sweet corn and diced crab (imitation or otherwise), mixed in mayonnaise. p align="justify">. Seasoned ground beef and rice filling stuffed inside boiled cabbage leaves. Sweet pepper shells are also a popular alternative to cabbage. p align="justify">. A light refreshing drink made by boiling fresh fruit with sugar, then leaving it to cool and infuse. p align="justify">. Marinated meat cooked on a skewer. Popularity in Russia originated in the late 19th century from Caucuses region

. A traditional Russian dish made with minced meat filling, wrapped in thin dough dumplings. p align="justify">. Also known as Fish under a Fur Coat, its a Russian favorite. Ingredients include herring fillets, potatoes, carrots, beets, eggs and mayonnaise. p align="justify">. A flexible salad composed of boiled potatoes, vegetables, often with meat, mixed in mayonnaise.This salad is the creation of a French chef, M. Olivier, who in the 1860s opened a fashionable restaurant in Moscow called The Hermitage. p align="justify">. A vegetable soup most commonly made with beets and often with meat. p align="justify">. Small dough buns or pies stuffed with variable fillings. Traditional fillings include fish (saut Г© ed with onions and mixed with hard-boiled chopped egg...

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