set? 13. He did not notice at once that the window was broken. 14. These documents were lost yesterday. br/>
11. Відкрийте дужки, використовуючи Passive form
1. This book was written many years ago, but it is still read with great interest. 2. By whom was this movie made? 3. This house was painted two years ago and I don't know when it will be painted again. 4. What factory will be shown to the tourists tomorrow? 5. Library books must not be kept longer than two weeks. 6. These facts are mentioned in his report. 7. When was the advertisement placed in the newspaper? 8. This museum is visited by thousands of people every year. 9. I am afraid our holidays will be spoilt by bad weather. 10. When were the windows washed last? 11. Who was the story translated by? 12. He was given two days to think the matter over. 13. We were shown a new film. 14. The instructions are given to everybody. 15. He was told that she had finished school the year before. br/>
12. Переведіть на англійську мову
1. За ним послали. 2. За дітьми там буде хороший догляд. 3. Про неї завжди багато говорять. 4. Чому над ним завжди сміються? 5. Про це будуть багато говорити. 6. Їх ніколи не слухали. 7. Про нього піклуються. 8. Над нею не будуть сміятися, якщо вона буде чинити правильно. 9. У нього немає батьків, про нього треба подбати. 10. Торік за ним доглядала його сестра. 11. Вона така несерйозна. Над нею часто сміються. 12. Коли він хворіє, за нею часто посилають. p align="justify"> 1. He was sent for. 2. The children will be taken good care for there. 3. She is always much spoken about. 4. Why is he always laughed at? 5. This will be much talked about. 6. They were never heard. 7. He is taken care of. 8. She will not laughed at if she behaves right. 9. He has no parents, he needs to be taken care of. 10. Last year, he was taken care of by his sister. 11. She's so unserious. She is often laughed at. 12. When he is sick, she is often sent for. br/>
13. Відкрийте дужки
1. She looked a different girl. Her face was washed, her hair was combed. All traces of tears were removed. 2. We could see the tracks where the car was dragged off the road. p align="justify">. Look! There is nothing here. Everything is taken away. p align="justify">. We were told to wait because the man was just being questioned. 5. If anyone comes in you will be found looking through his papers. 6. We can't get there in time. 7. By the time we get there the papers will be destroyed. 8. Why is nothing being done about it at the time? 9. You can't go in. She is being interviewed for the TV. 10. She promised that morning that nothing will be done till he came back. 11. I had a most unpleasant fe...