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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian

Реферат Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian

align="justify"> Uncategorized opportunities which are subordinated to laws of logic or requirement pursuant to reality. В· Existing communication elements, aiming at the pragmatics of art associativity. В· Aiming at the specific idea that is of part of its logic "tribal" volume. В· Strive to potential patterns and aiming at them. Free from the scope of logical definition. В· Performed nominative or definitive feature. В· It's the characters that have internal organic connection with their values.

In cognitive studies concepts represent relation of the phenomenon of the word of knowledge structures and their reflection in consciousness. Thus, A. Vezhbytska considers the concept as an object with a perfect world that has a name and reflects the cultural and conditioned understanding of human reality [4, 10] .. Vezhbytska distinguishes the concept of minimum, maximum and concept-encyclopedic addition (appendix). The concept-minimum is incomplete knowledge of the word (speakers known reality, but not all, as it is concerned, in practice it is vital for it is not important or it is never encountered). The concept covers a maximum depth (full) knowledge of speaker meaning (reality he knows in all aspects), including encyclopedic information, professional knowledge of reality [4, 16]. Thus, if for the inhabitants of Ukraine APPLE concept is concept-maximum, the concept KIWI FRUIT is minimum (speakers do not know how such fruits grow: on the trees or bushes, how to take care about plants, how they bloom when fruits mature etc.).

Each concept has an idealized cognitive model, which refers to all of our understanding of the object at once, in general, an undifferentiated image , which leads to a linguistic sign behavior (role structure). Yes, English jogging В«біг підтюпцемВ» and running В«бігВ» have different idealized cognitive model . Jogging is associated with a healthy lifestyle, physical form of middle class people who succeed in societies of developed countries. The concept of the word excludes competition, target situation, and incompatible with the children, the elderly, animals and other concepts common to the running (do not say jog to catch the bus В«бігті підтюпцем, щоб устігнуті на автобусВ» or jog after someone В«бігті підтюпцем за кімсьВ» but to run to catch the bus В«бігті, щоб устігнуті на автобусВ» and run after someone В«бігті за кімсьВ»). we can distinguish tree basic approaches in modern linguistics which help us to understand the co...

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