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Реферат The role of television in political processes

newer inventions (internet, mobile technology), its influence on the culture lasts. According to McLuhan, the most significant feature brought to the culture by electronic media is irrationality. Characteristics of MacLuhan s Galaxy such as mosaic perception, unification and simplification of reality, lack of logic and chronology contradict rational political activism and thus, forces society and its members out of a political space.

Chapter 2 EFFECTS

Analysis of telediscourse

is the form of democratic governance that is adapted to the rules of telediscourse. This specific discourse exists on the screen as mosaic of presentative images , which do not claim to be right or wrong, but only to seem real. In general, telediscourse is contra-discourse, where the value of logic (rational sequence and coherent context) turns into anti-value as soon as it ceases to entertain the public. For example, the value of logic of television that changes into anti-value is clearly shown in the following quote: The one who speaks for too long - is hiding something, the one who is silently showing impressive shots - is a prophet . The difference between see and know is erased by magic realism of TV images. Such images develop its persuasive potential by concealing the difference between fiction and reality. Consequently, they are more convincing for an audience member than theoretical and ideological arguments. Therefore, TV-images are read according to the crucial rule of telediscourse: what cannot be spoken about on the screen should be in fact shown there since the pictures are stronger than thousands words.

The main reason for distortion of reality in the media, according to W. Schulz, is that the messages are influenced by internal factors of media. Events with simple structure, conflict in the centre of action, high level of personification, attachment to stereotypes are most appreciated in telediscourse. Those events that correspond to these requirements are accepted and utilized those that do not correspond are ignored or gate-kept.I should mention American sociologist Jerry Marder, the author of Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television (1978). He identified features immanent for the nature of television, however without using the concept of telediscourse. Among them were: biased negative attitude towards complicated and sophisticated questions that require historical approach, serious problems, traditions and spirit...

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