uality, mass social movement, realities and aura of human life . Instead, according to Marder, television prefers death, war, goods, artificially created events, and quickened pace, charismatic leaders.authors quoted above identified the rules of telediscourse from the perspective of two different schools of thought: American sociological school and German philosophical school , which do not contradict but supplement each other. Inclusion and explanation of the views of the representatives of these two schools served the purpose of providing more detailed analysis of telediscourse and its content.
Main consequences of mediated symbolic politics
parties and institutions of state power are trying to adapt themselves to conditions of teledemocracy, they are, in this way, strengthening political orientation towards mass media. Television is accused, thus, of shifting the emphasis towards rhetoric and symbolism, away from real political problems and objectives. Symbolic politics of the post-modern political communication era has gained more permanent character and symbolic actions have become routine.for publicity can be seen as the first consequence of for the modern symbolic politics. Being public has become one of the most important tasks of politicians. Those who are trying to limit publicity lose their positions in a tough political struggle. The statement of E. Noelle-Neumann (1993) - the one, who does not find his own opinion in mass communication, is silent - in reference to politicians can be paraphrased as the one, who is not present in political communication, is not present in the world of politics . In other words, the lesser someone appears in media the greater this person s diminution in public eyes.
The next effect is the lowering of concentration of the politicians in practical and problem solving issues. Instead political actors spend great recourses and efforts on communication strategies for the television. It may negatively influence both moral and practical aspects of politics. For instance, presence of television during a parliamentary session can lower its practical efficiency and the lost of parliamentary self-respect : the speech before mass auditory is often demagogic or offensive towards others.more consequence of the television mediated symbolic politics is that political language resembles everyday language. During TV-translation narratives are kaleidoscopic (changing fast) and with fragmented plot. Politicians should use the most simplified and laconic constructions in order to be heard and understood. Such simplification in the language can d...