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Реферат Frame analysis

them. For instance, six cognitive components are distinguished in the conceptual structure of a motion event, namely FIGURE, GROUND, PATH, MOTION, MANNER, CAUSE. All these components occupy typically specific positions in sentences, as shown in the following examples.MOTION MANNER PATH GROUNDpencil rolled off the table.pencil lay on the table. MOTION CAUSE PATH GROUNDpencil blew off the table.pencil stuck on the table.six components are not of equal importance. It is perfectly possible to conceptualize a motion event whose CAUSE is unknown. Similarly, and of course this is particularly frequent for locative events, the manner, in which an object moves often is not expressed. By contrast, it is impossible to think of a motion without invoking each of the other four components, figure, GROUND, PATH, and MOTION. The outcome of these observations is that figure,-ground, PATH and MOTION are felt to belong together as the central and defining elements of the motion event. Taimy extends this idea of ​​аn identifying core structure of an event to other event types and arrives at the definition of the notion of event-frame: a set of conceptual elements and relationships that are evoked together or co-evoke each other can be said to lie within or constitute an event-frame, while the elements that are conceived of as incidental whether evoked weakly or not at all - lie outside the event-frame.the basis of this definition L.Taimy has identified the following five types of event frames : motion event-frames, causation event-frames, cyclic event-frames, participant-interaction event-frames, and interrelationship event-frames.of the central elements of the motion event PATH may be expressed through the verb, as in French entrer and Spanish entrar. In view of this, French and Spanish are verb-framed languages. Conversely, PATH can be rendered by a preposition, as in English go into, or by a verbal prefix, as in German hineingehen. Hence, English and German can be called satellite-framed languages ​​.. Talmy has argued that probably all languages ​​of the world can be categorized in terms of verb-framing and satellite-framing. The group of verb-framed languages ​​includes all Romance languages, Semitic languages ​​(as Arabic and Hebrew), Japanese and many others. Satellite-framed languages ​​besides English and German are all Indo-European languages ​​(apart from the Romance languages), Finno-Ugric languages ​​and Chinese.applying event-frame analysis to the comparison between different languages ​​and between different narrative texts researchers make some interesting observations . Apparently, a satellite-framed language such as English is better suited for descriptions of MANNER, and elaborate PATH descriptions including dynamic descriptions of locations along the PATH. The reasons are that in satellite-framed languages ​​MANNER is often incorporated in the verb meaning, and the information on the PA...

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