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Реферат Frame analysis

TH and setting can be expressed in the same clause as the motion event by opening attentional windows. Since Spanish is a verb-framed language, descriptions of motion events tend to be restricted to the motion itself. Often the description of MANNER is only possible at the cost of extended and rather awkward constructions. Similarly, if details of the PATH and the setting are to be given, they are expressed in additional clauses. As this will sometimes slow down the pace of narratives considerably, Spanish speakers may opt for fewer MANNER and PATH details in favour of a more vivid MOTION description.is not the only discipline where frame analysis has been applied with quite impressive results. Another important field of research has been artificial intelligence that studies the ability of computers to behave like human beings. Here, the frame notion has been used in a more general, though also more technical, way than in linguistics. In this use of the term, the relevance of frames extends over the boundaries of single sentences to much larger linguistic and cognitive unitsnotion of frame was introduced into artificial intelligence as an attempt to equip computers with with necessary world knowledge. The computer scientist Marvin Minsky defined a frame as a datastructure for representing a stereotyped situation. This is a remembered framework to be adapted to fit reality by changing details as necessary.idea is that a cognitive category PLANE, for example, would activate a whole bundle of other categories which belong to the same [flying on the plane] frame., for example PILOT, FLIGHT ATTENDANT, LIFE VEST, SAFETY BELT, FIRST CLASS, ECONOMY CLASS and so on. All these categories and the specific relations that exist between them are part of the frame and must somehow be fed into the computer. In addition to this rather general frame there are many so-called subframes which capture the knowledge of still more specific situations of a flight. [FLYING ON THE PLANE] frame exhibits a very predictable temporal structure in which one stage is often a prerequisite for the next stage. If we view the flight from such a sequential perspective, we go beyond simple frames and move into the so-called scripts, ie knowledge structures that are particularly designed for frequently recurring event sequences.


Frame analysis belongs to the domain of cognitive (ie related to mental processes of perception and reasoning) linguistics.linguistics is an approach to language that is based on our experience of the world and "the way we perceive and conceptualize it. It endeavours to explain facts about language in terms of known properties and mechanisms of the human mind/brain.main descriptive devices of frame analysis are the notions of frame and perspective. The notion ...

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