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Реферат Frame analysis

hted by choosing certain linguistic structures), but it includes more than that.analysis has a wider scope, because indirect objects and adverbials are also addressed. In other words, the principle of prominence applies to those elements in a sentence that attract the main part of our attention and are therefore prominent; the frame analysis, however, also has something to say about linguistic items that attract only a small portion of our attention potential.wider scope of the frame approach shows up in the fact that the [COMMERCIAL EVENT] frame even captures cognitive categories whose prominence is so low that they are not expressed on the linguistic surface at all. Two verbs where this is the case are spend and cost, as used in the examples David spent ten pounds on an old shirt and The old shirt cost David ten pounds.verbs imply a SELLER who cannot be rendered linguistically (it is put in brackets) . Instead the perspective directs the attention to the BUYER and the MONEY when spend is used, and to the GOODS when the verb cost is chosen. br/>В 

Every sentence evokes a certain cognitive perspective on a situation by the choice of the verb and the particular syntactic pattern that if governs. Accepting that perspective is a cognitive rather than a syntactic notion, F. Lingerer and H.J. Schmid explain what lies behind it. The basis for perspective is mainly provided by the cognitive ability of directing one's attention. Among other things, the perspective from which we view a situation depends on what attracts our attention. We use the verb buy in order to describe a commercial event, when we want to direct the hearer's attention to the BUYER and the GOODS, and the verb sell when the focus of our attention is on the SELLER and the GOODS.on where we direct оur attention, we can select and highlight different aspects of the frame, thus arriving at different linguistic expressions.

frame analysis knowledge situation


can provide valuable tools for the linguistic and conceptual analysis/Frame analysis has bee successfully applied to research into semantic and grammatical (mainly syntactic) issues as well as some important problems in contrastive linguistics, translation studies, artificial intelligence, text comprehension, studies.working in the frame paradigm are interested in problems related to the meaning of the verbs that belong to a frame. The frame notion has already been used for detailed semantic analyses of a number of verbs (eg, speak, talk, say, tell; risk) and this has developed into the project of a frame-based dictionary.frame approach presents a unified view of syntactic patterns. A sentence can be analyzed as an instance of the event-frame (event-frame analysis). Talmy [1991] dealt with conceptualization of various types of events and the language we use to talk about...

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