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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

learn, and we need to respect the different needs and wants of our students. We should try as much as possible to get to know our students as people, on a normal human level.learn best when they feel comfortable and relaxed.must try to create an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect in our groups. Learners should feel that their opinions are valued. Learners should feel that they can make mistakes without fear of ridicule; we should not emphasize or exploit the imbalance in the teacher-learner power relationship. Teachers and learners should be on a first name basis. Tasks should be challenging but achievable.should be involved in the learning process.should elicit learners input regarding course content. We should give them the opportunity to evaluate our lessons, and to let us know what they do and do not enjoy about them. We should as much as is possible react and respond to learners 'input. Learners should be made aware of their progress and encouraged to set their own goals.need to learn how to learn.should expose learners to a variety of wavs to organize their learning. We should make our learners aware of the learning strategies they use, and expose them to other, possibly better, techniques.is more important than grammar.

We should not focus on grammar at the expense of vocabulary. New vocabulary should be introduced in almost every lesson.

Fluency is more important than accuracy.should be selective in our correction of learners. We need to plan lessons that allow students to speak freely as well as speak with restrictions and correction. Learners should be made aware that «» getting the message across « is just as important as »getting the English right«. is more important than teaching.should pay more attention to what the students are doing in a lesson, and less about what we are doing. Student talk is more useful than teacher talk. Learners should get the chance to answer questions. We should plan our lessons with an eye to what learners will be able to do that they couldn «t do before. all your students to speak English in class can be a challenging task for any EFL teachers. It is necessary to organize a communicative activity which achieves maximum participation of the learners. In order to overall my students English Language skills, I often use the Morning Discussion as a Communicative Activity.lt makes the class more active and the students can exchange their opinions and the main thing is everyone can participate. Learners need to practice using the language, in as realistic and authentic ways possible. Students learn best when they feel comfortable and relaxed. We must try to create an atmosphere of trust mutual respect in our groups.Discussion helps our students to share their opinions on different themes and encourage group mates to join the discussion. Different short stories and topics are selected for MD by themselves. Volunteer student selects short stories or an article presents them to the class, encouraging group mates to join and take an active part in the discussion. The discussion would take different forms. Sometimes it was an interview using the main topic with some key questions.other times it was Class Debate, students are divided into several mini-groups and each group is given a statement. They have to brainstorm reasons why it is true ready to defend their argument against their opponents.discussion requires the teache...

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