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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

xplanations to each other than always to you. Encourage co-operation rather than competition. In many activities you may encourage students to copy ideas from others, or «cheats». Allow students to become more responsible for their own progress. Put them in situations where they need to make decisions for themselves. If a student is speaking too quietly for you to hear, walk further away, rather than closer to them! (This sound illogical-but if you can t hear them, then it s likely that other students can t either. Encourage the quiet speaker to speak louder so that the other can hear). you will follow all this rules, it will help you to encourage student s interaction in class. The language classroom is rich in language for learners, quite apart from the language that the learners and the teacher may suppose they are focusing on in the subject matter of the lesson.learn a lot of their language from what they hear. Their teacher says the instructions, the discussions, the asides, the jokes, the chit-chat, the comments, ect. It would be unsatisfactory if the teacher dominated the lesson to the exclusion of participation from as many learners as possible.arguments for language learners usually grow from the idea that the teacher knows more of the target language and that by listening to her the learner is somehow absorbing a correct picture of the language, that by interacting with her the learner is learning to interact with a native speaker or an experienced user of the language, and that this is far more useful than talking to a poor user. Thus, by this arguments, time spent talking to another learner is not particularly useful time.is ok as far as it goes, but there are a number of challenges to such views. Some are to do with available time: if the teacher talks most of time, how much time will learners get to speak? If the only conversation practice learners get is one to one with the teacher they will get very little time to speak at all. In a class of twenty-five learners, how much time will the teacher have available to speak to individuals? Divide a one-hour lesson by twenty-five and you get just over two minutes each. That doesn t sound very much.could maximize learners speaking time at certain points of the lesson by putting them into pairs or small groups and getting them to talk to each other. This instead of two minutes speaking time in a whole lesson they all get a lot of speaking practice within a short space of time. The teacher could use this time effectively by discreetly monitoring what the students are saying, and using the information collected as a source of material for future feedback or other work.

1.1 Communicative classroom

Here are some of the basic principles that inform teaching:

Language is a tool for communication.

Learners need to practice using the language, in as realistic and authentic ways possible. Grammar study, gap fills, etc are only steps along the way to developing the ability to use language for real tasks. Classroom language is an important Source of input and practice. are individuals; they learn in different ways and have different needs.need to be aware of our individual student s needs, and cater to them as much as possible. We need to vary our ways of presenting and practicing language to appeal to different learning styles. There is no «right way» to ...

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