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Реферат Colour as a linguistic and extra-linguistic phenomenon

s consciousness in a course of it cultural and historical development.the table below you can see all the nuclear meaningsof the semantic fields of the basic colours for Russian, English and European cultures.this table you can see that in the nuclear of the semantic field of meaning there are some coincidences except for the animals, birds and flowers, because they are representatives of the sample colour for each culture.some meanings are unique. For example only in the English culture birds (robins) are prototypical referents of the red colour and they play an important role in folklore and literature. So we have got a confirmation of our hypothesis that the prototypical referents of the colour, forming a nuclear of the semantic field, may differ in different countries because of different climatic and geographical conditions.

1.2 Nuclear meanings of the semantic field of the main colours

ColourRussian cultureEnglish culture Mixed European culture Redblood, fire, the sun, flowers, berries, fruit and vegetables, wine, ruddiness. blood, fire, the sun, flowers, berries, fruit and vegetables, wine.blood, fire, the sun, flowers, berries, fruit and vegetables.Green Nature, plants, animals, green eyes, fruit and vegetables, sea, spring, summer, precious gems. Nature, plants, animals, green eyes, fruit and vegetables, spring, summer, precious gems.Nature, plants, animals.BlueWater, sea, ocean, rain, lake, river, sky, eyes, night, flowers, sapphire. Sky, water, sea, ocean, rain, flowers, eyes, night. Sky, water, sea, ocean. 1.3 Peripherical meanings of the semantic field of the main colours.

ColourRussian culture English culture Mixed European cultureRed A symbol of love and passion: love, passion, heart; sexuality; warm, hot; anger, aggression; bright, active, strong, energetic.A symbol of love and passion: love, passion, heart; sexuality; warm, hot; anger, aggression; bright, active, strong, energetic. A symbol of love and passion: love, passion, heart; sexuality; warm, hot; anger, aggression; bright, active, strong, energetic.GreenBalance, youth, inexperience; freshness; a symbol of life. Freshness, peace, comfort; coolness; a symbol of life; energetic, vivacity; illness. Balance, a symbol of life, new, fresh. BlueBalance, coolness, cold, winter, depth, sadness, positive emotions. Coolness, cold, sadness, balance, peace, depth, sea animals. Coolness, cold, balance, depth, fresh, sea animals. research helps us to determine the colour meanings unique for each country, that were formed as the result of its cultural and historical development and that they have no parallels even in closely connected cultures.


the all physical qualities colour is one of the most important, most obvious and the brightest characteristics of the objects of the world.derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Colour categories and physical specifications of colour are also associated with objects, materials, light sources, etc., Based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. By defining a colour space, colours can be identified numerically by their coordinates.is the most important characteristic of an object. It makes...

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