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Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

of the last decrease .., summing up on the work done, we can say the following: entity (whether natural or legal person) in current market conditions its own rules (within the law). Purpose of its activities (in the end) is profit. However, at every step you have to risk. Generally, the greater the risk, the more likely to make a profit.of banking services is currently very high, so the range of banking risks arising every day expands. On the main factors of banking risks are divided into economic and political. The most difficult for the bank is to anticipate political risks as predict the political situation is difficult, especially in our country.risks are mainly associated with the policy of the bank and anticipate this risk group is entirely dependent on the competence of the staff of a bank.of the above applies to commercial banks as a whole, and to Samara bank AK SB Russia in particular. For the latter, the risk is the cost of the threat of losing some of their resources, revenue or work extra costs as a result of certain financial transactions. Anticipation of such risks is an important moment in the bank. There is a constant need to analyze the probability of losses. Here there are both conventional methodology and methodology developed by the financial-credit institution.important part of developing the strategy is the development of measures to prevent and reduce the identified risk.is in the development of the main approaches to risk assessment, determining the allowable level and its development of a strategy and is the main task of risk management.developed and became widespread measures aimed at reducing certain types of banking risks, such as currency risk, foreign risk, market risk, interest rate risk, credit risk. Just one way of banking risk management is insurance. But this method in domestic practice has not received wide acceptance.main type of bank risk is credit risk. It occurs when lending bank of its customers. In this situation, certain methods are used to reduce the risk. In Samara bank AK SB RF, as in many others, the following measures to reduce this risk: a provision for possible loan losses; deversifitsiruyutsya loans, the borrower is required to obtain the loan and its intended use. Lending principles must be observed in any case.the approach to each specific loan issued will depend on the level of riskiness of the loan portfolio. So, in Samara bank AK SB RF (based on work done) the level of riskiness of loans issued in the aggregate for the past two years, has repeatedly changed. The latest trend is to reduce the probability of loss. According to a regression analysis, it will continue on and on. Number of renewals reduced. This indicates an increase in the loan portfolio quality of true decisions on issuing loans. This is indicated by the following figures: 01.01.1999 year the amount of the loan portfolio amounted to 800,000 thousand rubles, and on 01.05.2000, 1.03 million rubles.the size of loans granted. Win MBC decreased, and the lending industry, construction, agriculture has increased considerably. Obviously, the economy revived, and by increasing investment attractiveness of certain branches of the bank AK Samara Russian Security Council has been actively involved in its lending. Courts for the most part still are issued for a short period, but the proportion of long-term loans is slowly starting to grow.prospect AK SB Russia will pay more attention to konsortsionalnom...

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