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Реферат What is love

t true love? What if he is my only true love? What if I am destined to live the rest of my life alone because our fated romance died? You see, many real feelings were put on the line during that very short period of time and she was so much involved in that sort of love.she was only 16 does this mean that her feelings are not mature? Is teenage love a different kind of love? I believe that teenage love is the first step to developing normal healthy relationships in the future. I ve heard many people on TV talk how they will never forget their first love. Maybe that s because it taught them how to love. So perhaps teenage love is a steppingstone toward the paths we may choose in our lives. Love, whether new or old, is a way to share important things with a person you are close to and trust. All people need that. Teenagers need love more than anyone. Who else better to get love from than another teenager who s going through the same transitions that you are? Who s to say what kind of love is valid? All love is valid? This is what they had to say.you are seventeen you are not really serious. There can be many stories of the teenage lovers and as such you can find that they turn out to be successful as well as not successful. Rather we find that this teenage love has more of a sexual inclination. First love - a special feeling, especially because it is - a new sensation never before experienced in its entirety. Certainly, until adolescence some manifestations of this experience undoubtedly arise - in the form of interest and desire to make friends, play together in games, etc., but rather a feeling of closeness and affection, rather than actual love. First Love enables us to develop the qualities that have hitherto been unknown to the child. This - the development of a sense of trust, compassion and empathy, the desire to explore their inner world, analyzing the character traits and actions, the desire to find common topics of conversation, be interesting and deep conversationalist. According to many authors, the state of love is typical for a teenager, but it has no explicit sexual motive and more like a romantic affair, where reality and fantasy form the interlacing. Young love. Adolescents. They - the most incredible - wonderful love. But parents, just, and fear it. When they see their child, that kiss at the entrance, their covers strange horror. At that time, they completely forget that experienced when something is the same. Man can not live without love, it must in the process of getting some experience of life, including love. If a young man or woman comes up with some unattainable image of a loved one, it exhausts itself in a trap. When it comes to love, she was not warm, because it does not match the ideal. And it brings some pain and may even cause mental disorder. Adults need to explain to children what love is, you have to love certain people for what they have is that in any case you can not create a collective image of a loved one, trying to think of it. Need love the most peculiar man in his youth. However, the natural and inevitable in this age surge of passion is not always called itself love, quite often at a great feeling of love is accepted. Love implies the uniqueness of the chosen one and, accordingly, the harmonious fusion of the three drives - the soul, mind and body. I also love this merger no emotional attachment is based on only one (maximum two) of the impulses: to respect, friendship or desire.are different feelings that are similar to love but not her, it is:

. Attachment - it's a habit to see the person and communicate with him in due time.

. Enthusiasm. It often occurs in young girls with respect to the stars of cinema and music. However, enthusiasm can be projected on the people who are close by. Psychologists say that this feeling is the closest to what is commonly called human love, or rather a true love.

. Emotional connection - a relationship with the very essence of man, with his inner me. Relationship based on emotional connection, the psychologists call intrinsic relationship. And these relations are inseparable from the relationship of man to himself. That is how we love ourselves, so we love both. It turns out that emotional connection - a love for another of the abundance of love in his heart. It is this love does not go through the years.

Signs of love

1. If your love is genuine, you would be interested in the personality of your elected representative at large. In your feelings will be present and physical attraction, but only along with many other attractive qualities for you.

. When you love truly, then you like all or most of the qualities in another person.

. True love always comes slowly. You've got to...

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