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Реферат What is love

know someone before you can truly love him, but this takes time, a lot of time to really know someone. Prolonged courtship much better short.

. When you love truly, your senses will be more warm and affectionate than would range from ardent passion to cold indifference, they will be more permanent

. If your love is genuine, manifest your best qualities and you strive to become even better.

. When you really love, your lover man - the most important person in the world for you, but relationships with family and friends do not lose their value.

. When you love to truly have a better chance that your parents and most friends approve of your choice.

. When you really love, the absence of a loved one only sharpens your senses. True love must stand the test of distance and time. It is based not only on the physical attractiveness of a man, she takes it all, as a person. Time spent together helps you to grow together raquo ;. Therefore, for parting you would like to lose their part. Another man, even very attractive, can not fill the emptiness in your heart. At a distance, you certainly can feel anxiety and sadness.

. When you really love, you may have disagreements, but true love is going through them, and fights are becoming less frequent and severe, each pair must learn to resolve conflicts.

. Love is selfless and devoted. Are you going to do everything possible to bring joy to others. You are primarily interested in what you can give and not receive.


is work. It is a struggle, especially with him. It is the desire and ability to forgive, to give to give all that you have. It is faith in something pure and bright, no matter what. This is an internal force, which subsequently fills us and keep afloat . We can not love to order by mail or come up with myself, but to educate themselves in the love we can and that s the way love this. Love - it is a higher sense of rights is a very strong sympathy and spiritual closeness. Love is rich emotional experiences, noble sentiments. This is the most beautiful thing is, this is the keyword of our lives. In love, it is important to the concept of free choice and self-denial. Readiness to do everything for the welfare of a loved one - one of the fundamental principles of this feeling.makes people happy. Inspires, makes us the birds, butterflies flutter in a pair with each other, leaving behind a life all little things in life, troubles, problems and troubles. And even the biggest problem becomes only a trifle, which is not difficult to solve. Because we - TOGETHER. And when we re together - we are the mountains and the sea on the shoulder to the knee.in love its vitality and energy of another being, man shares with them their joy, and increasing its own, expanding their understanding of the world, enriching personal vision, experience, knowledge and experiences, which together constitute his spiritual wealth. In love a man gives to get, and gets to give. True love is a man burst response of energy, movement back towards generosity. Davani induces another person to become a giver, too, and they increase the joy brought into their lives. In the gift itself is the force that gives rise to love. " Involves caring about another person, an interest in improving his life and development. Where there is this, there can be no true love. Love - it is the responsibility of loving mercy, and for my loved one. This respect for him and actively penetrate into it to knowledge, but without violating the right to have secrets and remain a person. Passionate about learning from each love is different from the thoughtless and indifferent contemplation of thinking that is used as a learning tool soulless world. This knowledge through a spiritual approach, identification with the beloved person, feelings of identity with them. Man, deeply and truly loving someone, can not love only him alone. Their gracious qualities of his love extends to other people around them. Loving, personally enriched by this feeling, it gives the excess to others in the form of kindness and warmth, sensitivity and humanity. There are several types of love: brotherly, motherly, erotic love, the love of man to himself and the love of God. The need for love lies in human nature itself. However, love - not an end in itself, shared values ???? , Mutual understanding and assistance - that s the purpose for which love is the necessary impetus. Equality is perhaps the most solid and reliable foundation of love. Love does not tolerate violence, oppression, she is dying from it. The most important condition of deep and sincere love is a complete trust in each other, which leads to intellectual and emotional understanding, without ...

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