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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Отчеты по практике » Inspection of malfunctions and damages of the aircraft

Реферат Inspection of malfunctions and damages of the aircraft

ify"> Figure 11. The rear of the slate is de-laminating Figure


. Broken leading edge

In our hangar there were some airplanes with broken parts of wings. Particularly, there were troubles with the skin on the wings. Some of airplanes even did not have a skin cover at all. br/>

.4 Damages of a tail unit

The empennage also known as the tail or tail assembly, of most aircraft gives stability to the aircraft, in a similar way to the feathers on an arrow. Most aircraft feature empennage incorporating vertical and horizontal stabilising surfaces which stabilise the flight dynamics <# "justify"> The aircraft's cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder are often located in the empennage, because the aft of the aircraft provides better protection for these in most aircraft crashes.

13. Damaged tail unit

the investigation of aircrafts in our hangar we have found some damages in the tail assemblies. You can see that damages in the following pictures:


14-15. Damaged tail assembly

the damages of tail unit we can find problems with fin, elevator, trimmers, and rudder. These problems are caused by external factors. p align="justify"> damage aircraft accident landing

1.5 Damages of a landing gear

undercarriage or landing gear is the structure that supports an aircraft on the ground and allows it to taxi, takeoff and land. Typically wheels are used, but skids, skis, floats or a combination of these and other elements can be deployed, depending on the surface. Gear arrangementstaildragger arrangement was common during the early propeller era, as it allows more room for propeller clearance. Most modern aircraft have tricycle undercarriages. Taildraggers are considered harder to land and take off (because the arrangement is unstable, that is, a small deviation from straight-line travel is naturally amplified by the greater drag of the mainwheel which has moved farther away from the plane's centre of gravity due to the deviation), and usually require special pilot training. Sometimes a small tail wheel or skid is added to aircraft with tricycle undercarriage, in case of tail strikes during take-off. The Concorde, for instance, had a retractable tail "bumper" wheel, as delta winged aircraft need a high angle when taking off. The Boeing 727 also had a retractable tail bumper. Some aircraft with retractable conventional landing gear have a fixed tailwheel, which generates minimal drag (since most of the airflow past the tailwheel has been blanketed by the fuselage) and even improves yaw stability in some cases.gear may have such damages as wear, holes , cracks, scratches and others. In the following picture you can see the landing gear damages of the aircraft of National Aviation University hangar:


Each of the aircraft's four main landing gear wheels has electrohydraulic disc brakes and an anti-skid system.

Part 2. What to do while accident?

majority of those involved in plane crashes survive. Here are some ideas for increasing odds of making it through such an event. A plane crash is a terrifying experience, and the very idea is enough to make many people avoid flying altogether. Although much of what's happening will probably be beyond your control, there are a number of things people can do to increase their chances of survival. Here are some guidelines.the plane takes off, count the rows between you and the emergency exits in case power failures or smoke reduce your visibility. Keep your seat belt on when you're sitting, and don't wander around unnecessarily. Put your tray up when you don't need it. The procedures followed during an inflight crisis vary widely depending upon the situation. Follow the directions given by the airline staff - they've been trained for these events. If it's obvious that there will be a crash, put your head between your knees or against the seat. If you have a pillow or a blanket, put it on your lap. The theory here is that if you're going to be thrown forward anyway, you'll reduce possible injuries by assuming that position beforehand. Breathe slowly and deeply and think about where the nearest emergency exit is located.impact, you will hopefully be able to unbuckle yourself and move toward the exit. This is a crucial time. Many airplane crash deaths and injuries occur not because of the actual crash but because of the fire that erupts afterward. Don't try to bring your carry-on luggage. Stay low, but don't crawl or you could be trampled. Watch the floor lights...

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