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Реферат Perfect Tenses

te moment in the future, will continue up to that moment and will be going on at that moment. This use of the Future Perfect is called the Future Perfect Inclusive.Future Perfect Inclusive is used with verbs not admitting of the Continuous form, in negative sentences, with non- terminative verbs such as to work, to live, to study, to teach. shall/will have been a teacher for 20 years by next May. I shall/will have worked as a teacher for 20 years by next May. [12, p.126].

. 5 The Future Perfect in the Past

formation of the Future Perfect in the Past.

. The Future Perfect in the past is formed by means of the Future Indefinite in the Past of the auxiliary verb to have and Participle II of the notional verb.

. In the interrogative form the first auxiliary verb is placed before the subject. In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the first auxiliary verb.should/would have worked. Should/would I have worked? I should/would not have worked [12, p.126].

. The contracted affirmative forms are: d have worked. He d have worked [12, p.126] .contracted negative forms are: shouldn t have worked. He wouldn t have worked [12, p.126].

. The negative- interrogative forms are: I not have worked? Shouldn t I have worked? He not have worked? Wouldn t he have worked? [12, p.126] .use of the Future Perfect in the Past.Future Perfect in the Past is used to denote an action completed before a definite moment which was future from the point of view of the past.wondered whether they would have reached the place by noon. [11, p.210-212].


Perfect Continuous form denotes an action progress, whose duration before a definite moment in the present, past or future is expressed. It is formed by means of the auxiliary verb to be in one of the perfect tenses and Participle I of the notional verb. (pict.5.)


. 1 The Present Perfect Continuous

formation of the Present Perfect Continuous.

. The Present Perfect Continuous is formed by means of the Present Perfect of the auxiliary verb to be and Participle I of the notional verb.

. In the interrogative form the first auxiliary verb is placed before the subject. In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the first auxiliary verb.have been working. Have I been working? I have not been working [12, p.128].

. The contracted affirmative forms are: ve been working. He s been working. You ve been working [12, p.128] .contracted negative forms are: I haven t been working. He hasn t been working. We haven t been working [12, p.128].

. The negative- interrogative forms are: he not been working? Hasn t he been working? You not been working? Haven t you been working? [12, p.128] .use of the Present Perfect Continuous.distinguish two uses of the Present Perfect Continuous: the Present Perfect Continuous Inclusive and the Present Continuous Exclusive.

. The Present Perfect Continuous Inclusive is used to denote an action which began in the past, has been going on up to the present and is still going on. (pict.6.)


Present Perfect Continuous Inclusive is generally used with since (denoting the starting point of the action), for (denoting the whole period of duration), these two days, etc. (The conjunction since introduce a clause, the verb in this clause is in the Past Indefinite.) Have been looking out for your white dress for the last ten minutes [I, p.192] .since I saw you last I have been thinking , thinking [XV, p.71] .has been stated above the Present Perfect Inclusive is used to denote an action which began in the past, has been going on up to the present and is still going on with verbs not admitting of the Continuous form, in negative sentences and with certain non- terminative verbs. With verbs not admitting of the Continuous form the Present Perfect Inclusive is the only tense possible. With verbs in the negative form the Present Perfect Continuous Inclusive can be used, but it is far less common than the Present Perfect Inclusive. With certain non- terminative verbs both the Present Perfect Inclusive and the Present Perfect Continuous Inclusive are used.have worked at the problem for several month. (The fact is emphasized) [11, p.92] .have been working and working at the problem for month and I don t think we are likely to solve it [11, p.92]. (The process is emphasized.) Present Perfect Continuous Inclusive is rendered in Russian by the present: have been teaching at th...

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